How Your Job Makes You Fat

Probably you have been looking the wrong way. You've been looking for the culprit that makes you mysteriously gain weight even if you're not that of a glutton. You watch your diet, your snacking, your stress levels, your family genes, your gym schedules, and the tiny ingredients in food when you do your groceries, but never at your job. Did it ever occur to you that your job may be making you fat? I once checked it out and guess what I discovered? Here's how your job makes you fat!

Med Reps

I know folks who are medical representatives, or those who sell drugs..I mean prescription doctors and pharmacies. And I note that most of them are fat. I know that rigors you have to undergo to pass as a med rep of some drug companies. You have to be physically fit, among other things. But after they pass the test and get hired, most med reps begin to gain weight. Why?

Well, one angle I saw was the way med reps are always eating out, treating their client doctors to lunch or dinner in some posh restaurant, eating good food there. You may be conscious of what you eat, but if you regularly eat out, chances are you often ingest synthetic ingredients that are fattening. They may also be wrecking your triglyceride and blood sugar count. Cooks put them in fish and vegetables to make them delicious and taste first class. Most veggie dishes are also made special and glowing fresh with starch, which is high in carbohydrates, and which is fattening you up gradually. A little here and there, daily, accumulates into something that adds on to your weight and figure.


Teachers are mostly stressed out without knowing it. They may be aware of the fattening tendencies of having too much stress and may take it easy for a while and try to laugh now and then, but generally they take on too much stress without knowing it. And we all know what distress does to our body weights and figures. No wonder most teachers today tend to be overweight. Decades ago, teachers didn't have to compete with the Internet and DVD and computer games to attract their pupils' attention and make them study hard in school and at home. Today, PC and online games plus movies and TV programs are all available in smartphones. And almost every kid today owns one. Thus, the bigger teachers get.

Employees and Bosses

Employees and bosses have one thing in common: they all live idle lives at home and the office. They just sit all day and tinker with their desktop or talk to clients over the phone or read piles of documents. Then, during lunch, some of them brag about bringing vegetable dishes with them because they've become "health conscious." But you see their heavyweight bodies and wonder. Why this phenomenon? Well, aside from their dormant lives, the veggie dish they brag about during lunch is really spiced up with fattening shortenings. A little here and there, now and then, all add up to "fat." They may also lessen their rice intake and show off their bread replacement, thinking that would help them reduce.

Now, aren't most people like the above? They think they're health conscious but they all take maintenance medicines, are overweight, doesn't look healthy, and looks old for their age. But they're all claiming to be health buffs. Now, why this? And how does all this add up to how your job makes you fat?

Colon Disorder

A little this and that harmful ingredient plus some bad stress now and then is not good for your colon health. Yes, everything boils down to colon problems. That's how your job makes you fat. When your digestive system starts failing, your body hardly burns or eliminates fat. And when fat clogs your digestion, it easily accumulates, not just around your belly where subcutaneous fat becomes obvious externally, but also around your organs [visceral] and on the walls of your blood vessels.

For a healthy colon, you have to get more dietary fibers from fresh fruits and vegetables and exercise. But you don't have time for this, right? That's why there is Vital-C and OpTRIMax plums. With Vital-C sodium ascorbate and the plums, you don't need to diet or exercise to lose weight. Just take them regularly and you'd lose weight in just weeks, and you can forget about diets! (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form). Try this no diet slim, and you also need not exercise just  to be trim! To buy Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite, just comment below!

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