Fastest Way to Slim Down is through Vitamin C and Fibers

No less than CNN once included intake of Vitamin C as among the "fastest" ways to burn fat, citing a research. The research noted that Vitamin C "can help you burn more fat." And it's a well know fact, too, that taking dietary fibers is a powerful and safe way to eliminate fat from the body. Therefore, the fastest way to slim is through Vitamin C and fibers combined. That's fast slim for you!

The Problem with Vitamin C

But the problem with Vitamin C in synthetic form today is its acidity. Synthetic Vitamin C may help your body resistance some and help burn fat, but over time it will make your stomach acidic, and much later, your body systems. Acidic environment easily attracts diseases. What good is a slim body that attracts diseases?

So, take non-acidic Vitamin C, and for sure you won't get this in synthetic form. That's why I highly recommend taking Vital-C sodium ascorbate. It is purely alkaline and tests have shown that it has higher healthy alkalinity compared to many leading sodium ascorbate brands. Dr Jose M. Oclarit, among outstanding medical scientists in the Philippines and renowned in medical institutions in other countries, did the test himself.

Vital-C uses veggie caps made from plants that ensure zero acidity. Other brands of Vitamin C use animal-base capsules that eventually turn your body acidic just the same. Thus, with Vital-C Vitamin C, you can take several caps a day and get no harmful effect or side effects. It is water soluble so your body easily eliminates anything in excess through your urine or perspiration.

With Vital-C, you have the safest brand and the right Vitamin C dosage for a quick weight loss together with Optrimax Plum Delite. That's real fast slim! In fact, among fastest ways to slimming--if not the fastest way to slim through Vitamin C and fibers.

Dietary Fibers

Dietary fibers help tremendously to easily flush out wastes from the digestive system, among them toxins and fat. Improper digestion makes food stay in your body too long, accumulating toxins and harmful bacteria that further destroy normal digestion. Constipation sets in (if you don;t eliminate wastes at least 2 to 3 times a day, you're constipated) and that results to your being over weight, with a bulging tummy.

With normal digestion, the body naturally eliminates wastes and regulates fat storage easily. You never gain excess or abnormal weight. Normal digestion happens only with natural food like Optrimax Plum Delite. These are plums fermented with pu er and green teas plus probiotics for fat burning and blocking, and proper digestion.

Vitamin C, Fibers, and Exercise

Vitamin C and fibers, therefore, are what work for a real no-diet slim. Of course, don't forget regular exercise to complete the package. Health and nutrition science support the idea that the fastest way to slim is through Vitamin C and fibers. That involves metabolism and fat burning (Vital-C), and digestion and added fat burning and blocking (Optrimax Plums). That's fast slim alright.

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