How Vitamin C Helps Lots for Your Weight Loss

You workout and diet a lot but nothing happens. You're still fat. Worse of all, you deprive yourself of your favorite delicious foods and desserts, to no avail. What's wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong with you except probably you lack Vitamin C. Oh, but you eat a lot of citrus fruits and regularly take Vitamin C supplements--like ascorbic acid or some other popular synthetic brand. So, why do you still not lose weight?

You may be taking the wrong Vitamin C. Here's a vital hint--make sure you take non-acidic Vitamin C with pure Vitamin C, nothing else. A lot of synthetic brands out there contain very small Vitamin C and large amounts of binders--ingredients that keep tablets intact and which do not dissolve in your stomach and may cause infection to the kidneys or liver or UTI eventually.

And anyway, you can't take more than one tab of synthetic Vitamin C supplements because they are highly acidic. And your body Vitamin C requirements cannot be satisfied with a mere small tablet a day, more than half of which is probably flour or starch.

And your "fresh" citrus fruits daily? Well, a lot of fruits today are heavily treated with chemicals and are several days old in the grocery store or market you bought them from. To get good amounts of natural Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, you should eat them within 30 minutes after picking them from their trees. Can you do that daily?

Well, you don't need to trouble yourself with where to get fresh fruits daily. Just take non-acidic natural Vitamin C Vital-C sodium ascorbate. You may take 2 to 3 caps, 2 to 3 times a day to supply your body with its heavy Vitamin C requirements. No overdose. And no acidity because it is alkaline. Anything in excess goes to your urine and out your body.

Vitamin C and Your Metabolism

To metabolize your body fat especially around the waist, you need Vitamin C. If you're low on Vitamin C you easily gain weight, and especially increase your stomach fat even if other parts of your body seem to be shedding off fat. Skinny limbs but bulging stomach? That still isn't healthy. And you won't remedy this till your metabolism gets enough Vitamin C.

It has been proven in clinical tests that body metabolism indeed needs enough Vitamin C to work properly, especially burn fat. However, not just your metabolism needs Vitamin C. Your immune system and natural collagen production need it. So does your your blood where lots of free radicals roam and destroy healthy body cells. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights free radical damage.

Aside from the above, your body needs Vitamin C to repair broken tissues, recover from stress, and encourage the new growth of tendons, bones, blood vessels, and skin. To kids, they need it for teeth health and growth.

So you see, you need Vitamin C more than you think. And the best option is non-acidic Vital-C sodium ascorbate. You need to take enough to supply for all the above body functions plus your weight loss requirements or metabolism.

Even if you workout a lot and diet--if you lack Vitamin C--you will remain fat. But with enough Vitamin C--plus Optrimax Plums--you easily lose weight! So there's the secret. Now that you know it, take action! To buy Vital-C sodium ascorbate and Optrimax Plums, just comment below or use the Contact Form on the sidebar.

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