Why It's Easy to Get Sick on Rainy Days--and How Vitamin C Protects You

Just watch happens when it rains. You're in a public jeep and rain pours down. The passengers pull down the window plastic covers on both sides and the jeep gets air tight inside. Then the bad thing happens--someone sneezes or coughs, spreading the virus around. Because the jeep is air-tight, all the passengers easily catch the virus. The next thing you know, you begin to feel weak and sickly and you wonder why.

Now, you probably just came from work all stressed up. That means your immune system is down. Then you rode that air-tight public jeep where someone sick sneezed. You became easy target for the virus attack. Now, you bring home that virus with you while it develops into a full blown ailment--like the flu--so that the next day you have high fever. And you also sneeze and cough, spreading the virus in your home.

Or, you may have rode an air-con bus and a sick passenger sneezed, getting the virus well circulated inside the bus through the air-conditioning system. Or, you rode a non-air-con bus, but because of the rain, the passengers all pulled down the windows. And someone sick sneezed. You get the same effect.

That's why you need to take enough Vitamin C, and non-acidic at that. And "enough" may mean you may have to take 3 to 5 capsules a day to fight ailments, especially on rainy days. Like me. Yesterday, I went to Manila and joined crowd of commuters there when it suddenly rained. Before leaving home, I took 2 capsules of Vital C non-acidic Vitamin C. But the severe pollution--dark, suffocating smoke belched by vehicles--and the crowds where sick people may be lingering, made me feel sick when I got home in the evening.

So I took 2 capsules more upon arrival, and 3 more before going to bed. When I woke up this morning, I was feeling a bit like I was about to get sick. Air from my nose felt warm. So I took 1 capsule in the morning, another 1 before lunch. and 2 in the afternoon. Now, I feel stronger and my immune system seems to have the capability to fight back ailments or infections more.

Imagine the expense if this break out into a full-blown fever or the flu. About 2 to 3 years ago, prior to my regular Vital-C intakes, I easily caught cold which easily led to the flu. So, I had it about once every 2 months. But Vital-C improved all that so that today, I'm free from colds or coughs and especially from fever and flu--even if I'm in the middle of sneezing or coughing people.

Yeah, I sometimes feel like catching cold or fever now and then, but it never happens with mega doses of Vital-C. Mega doses are possible with it because it's non-acidic--you never get acidity in your stomach. I thank God for Vital-C. And if you don't get sick, your workouts for weight loss and fitness don't get interrupted. That's the best part of it all.

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