Plum Fiber for Trimming Down the Belly, Plus More

How effective are plums for getting rid of belly fat?

Plums are naturally rich in fibers, vitamins and antioxidants, and dietary fibers are among your tickets to slimming. The big bonus is that plums are perfect for clearing your bowels. But does that mean it makes you slim and gut-healthy? You can kiss your constipation goodbye with plums--and a host of other discomforts and ailments it produces. I've experienced the fact. But can they help you lose weight and fat belly? 

Photo by Joanna Derks on Unsplash.


Let's talk about prunes first. Prunes sold commercially are good, giving you good amounts of dietary fibers. But they have preservatives. So is prune juice. Some people have allergies when eating preserved prunes, the chemical preservatives being the culprit. It's always better to eat food free of artificial preservatives, added colors and sugar, especially. A lot of preserved fruits are treated with lots of sugar to last longer. That defeats our no-diet slimming purpose. Sugar makes you fat more than fatty foods do.

Try to look for organic and unsweetened dried plums, particularly those processed to produce probiotics (not everything processed is bad, like some processed plums). When I say "processed" I mean the kind that does not involve harmful chemicals or artificial alteration of the fruit. "Fermented plums" is the term. It uses natural means and especially treated to tame your bowels. The probiotics in it reinforce your good bacteria and balance your body pH. That remedies too much acidity and prevents cancer. Then, the good bacteria gets rid of harmful bacteria that upsets your intestinal function. So, you get good digestion and proper waste elimination. And with plum's fibers, that includes your belly fats. 

Fats, Cold Drinks and Metabolism

Stubborn fats around your waist get some contributions from fats that stick to the stomach and intestinal walls. Belly fats are primarily due to fatty liver caused by too much pancreatic insulin release. Such release is triggered by sugar and carbs. That's what you get for eating too much sweets and carbs--rice, pastries, breads, etc. (not really fatty food), and especially if you wash all that with cold water or worse, cold soft drinks or sodas or iced teas or milk teas. Cold drinks solidify fats and make them hard to break up into simpler forms. The more this happens, the more your waist and tummy increase size. And especially if you're fond of sleeping right after your heavy meals.

If you have poor metabolism, punishing exercises alone won't get rid of tummy fats. Not even tiring sit-ups will do the trick. Most likely, what you get from sit-ups would be back aches 😂. Crunches ought to do better. And much better if you do it with no-sugar-low-carbs (NSLC) eating habit plus plum supplements. 

I still don't believe in strict diets. Just eat what you want, but in right proportions. Anyway, refined sugar is NOT designed to be food, and other sugars are just as unhelpful. My main thrust in no-diet slim is to eat all the good food you want once a day. I devote 6 to 7 hours a day as my time for eating. The rest is for fasting. This is called meal window. During this time, I just eat all I want--but in right proportions. Well, it's okay to sometimes cheat, but don't fool yourself. Cheat clean 😂.

Running will squeeze some fats from your tummy and other parts of your body so that you perspire heavily. But it often isn't enough. Most of the sweat just comes from your head and chest trickling down your tummy, not from your tummy (and mostly it's water being eliminated through perspiration, not fat). Believe me, so little of it comes from your tummy fat burning. Sweating is not enough.

Try Plum's Magic

Try zero-sugar plums plus exercise to get rid of tummy fats significantly. Combine this with intermittent fasting and the trimming effect gets even more pronounced. When you have gained your ideal trim and weight, then forget about fasting. Just eat everything in right proportions, even 3 or 2 times a day. But I have fallen in love with intermittent fasting. It gets rid of unwanted inflammation that causes all sorts of serious illnesses. 

But get smart, too. Plums have 13 grams of sugar per fruit. That's something like a lil bit over 3 teaspoons of sugar per serving or per fruit. So, if you're diabetic, think about that. If you have fatty liver, decide whether 3 teaspoons of sugar would worsen it or not (personally, I think it will). If you're still trying to get rid of belly fat, 3 teaspoons is not a good idea. And consider how eating one fruit of plum will not satisfy you. Probably, 5 fruits will. That's times 5. 

Nonetheless, some studies indicate that plums, despite their sugar content, have low glycemic index. This means the sugar will not trigger insulin shoot up. But be smart about this info. 

Where to buy? Google it. Many establishments today sell sugarless, fermented plums online (I saw one on Facebook) and deliver to your place.

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