Just Eat

Just eat! Skipping meals or certain food isn't really effective, say a lot of fitness and diet experts. And I never bought that idea even once because I love to eat. In fact, you need every kind of food to keep up a good body figure. Depriving yourself of certain food means nutrition deprivation. Intermittent fasting is good now and then, but once you get your ideal weight and fitness, go back to no dieting. So if I were you, just eat!

Eat all you like. But wisdom tells us to eat just enough of everything (what I always insist on). Don't eat till you're too full either. A host of pestering illnesses are rooted in gluttony. No wonder God forbids it for our own good. No Diet Slim Plus blog is not here to tolerate gluttony. Eat till you've had enough. But eat everything without sparing particular foods. Even fatty ones.
Eating a balanced, varied diet which allows you to get the right amount of nutrients everyday helps us keep healthy, fight off sickness, keep energy levels up, keeps our minds working, affects our mood and many other important things. Source
About eating fatty food...
A small amount of fat is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. Fat is a source of essential fatty acids, which the body cannot make itself.

Fat helps the body absorb vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. These vitamins are fat-soluble, which means they can only be absorbed with the help of fats. Source
Who Says We Need to Exercise?

Just eat, but make sure you burn what you eat. So exercise regularly. Though obesity is not really caused by lack of exercise but carbs overload, you prevent a lot of ailments with exercise. Working out just enough improves circulation and strengthens the heart and lungs. It even improves brain function through the extra fresh air that you get and which feeds your cells, particularly your neurons.

Exercise conditions the body and strengthens the cell and immune system. Merely losing weight cannot do that. Simple weight loss by rigid dieting may improve your body weight and slimness (though not always) and flushes out unwanted fats and cholesterol (if mixed with detox foods), but it does not strengthen your immune system and tone your muscles to the right, aesthetic definitions and curves.

By the way, what really empowers the immune system is a healthy gut. Take care of your digestive system.

In short, you need to exercise, not just to lose weight, but to live long healthily and carve or sculpt the right body curves--because fitness gives you contentment and happiness. You need workouts when you just eat everything. And yes, you heard right--it makes us happy. It enables us to eat everything, especially our favorite dishes and the desserts we crave. You have freedom to just eat when you workout. That's happiness.

Who Says We Need Supplements?

I do. I take a lot of organic supplements so I can just eat anything I want to. Why supplement? Because organic nutrition helps our body function naturally well, including how our body regulates itself with healing, detox and weight loss. We get lots of toxic ingredients with foods we eat (and which upset or destroy our body systems and make us sick and fat), even raw food we buy from grocery stores. And most especially canned foods and fastfoods. Even our favorite 3-in-one coffee (I drink organic 10 or 20-in-one healthy coffee, though sometimes I have no choice but drink super delicious fancy coffee from a popular coffee shop). You can't avoid them. Few people on the planet can say they eat or drink all-organic all the time. 

Do I worry about unhealthy foods and drinks I take when I'm left with no other choices? NOPE. I'm not a fan of unhealthy foods, but sometimes I eat them. Well, sometimes I often eat a bit too many. It cannot be avoided. You feel sorry and a bit guilty but what can you do? Might as well enjoy them while you're at it. But I stick to my healthy lifestyle when I can, even rigidly, when conditions allow it, and many times you have to create those conditions by hook or by crook. And this is why you have to supplement. See?

Regularly taking organic health supplements (make sure they are purely organic) protects me during times I enjoy eating unhealthy but delicious food. And during times I don't feel like working out or am too busy to do it. I can just eat anything and feel okay and without guilt because my supplements provide the backup security against the side effects of unhealthy food. 

But word of caution here--never abuse the fact that your supplements protect you. Take them but eat as if you don't take any. But eat everything. No need to diet. Believe me, you need every natural food that God created for human consumption. Well, if you have a serious ailment and your med doctor tells you to avoid certain foods, better listen to your doc. Stick to your doctor's recommended diet. But if you're healthy, observe a no-diet slim in wise proportions.

Is it Effective?

Many see my No-Diet Slim blog and ask me, "Is it effective?" Of course, I'm going to say it is. No right-thinking marketer would promote a product or system and say it's not effective. But just stick with me via this blog and watch out for my posts on no-diet slimming. And I'm living testimony of how a no-diet slim is possible. My wife, though, has trouble keeping up because she tends to gravitate towards dieting and avoiding fatty foods. But slowly, she's seeing the wisdom in just eating everything in right proportions, and in her case, with a little of intermittent fasting.

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Don't look at me. I mean, I'm slim because I've been fit and belly-less for years--I've been a fitness instructor since the 90s--although recently trying to be vegetarian for two years somewhat wrecked my figure. I gained a bit of a tummy bulge and it's challenging me since to get back to my trim belly figure. So I got back to no-diet slim. You have to try things for yourself to know the real score.

And you really have to workout regularly. It's not like magic which makes you see things now then makes things disappear the next. Slimming is an exercise lifestyle while you eat just enough of everything. What workouts and supplements can work for you? The only way to find out is always to try something.

You'll never know what works unless you start trying NOW! Don't waste time wondering. And if you'd try it, don't just try it for some days or weeks. Try it for 3 or 5 or 6 months or even a year. No effective weight loss formula works overnight. I tried vegetarianism and it did make me slimmer (in fact too slim) but with a bulging tummy because I made a regular meal of bananas and rice (no protein), which I didn't know would wreck my trim tummy. 

Anyway, it's a big challenge regaining my former flat abs, but I see some improvements, though too slowly due perhaps to my age. But eating protein-rich food should create enough fat burning and reducing carbs should lessen my tummy bloat. Above was me three years ago. Below is my present.

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