This Lessens Weight Loss Effects

Stop drinking water--if you want to gain weight. Can water burn fat? Surprise yourself and find out below, at the bottom part of the article.

It's all about water in more ways than one. Water is key to no-diet slimming. Most people are overweight simply because of two things: they don't move around a lot and they don't drink enough water every day. I've met folks who don't drink enough water and wonder why they're overweight. And some of them are mostly folks hell bent on doing workouts and dieting.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash.

Water Flushes Out 

Do water therapy first thing early in the morning daily. Do it at about 5 or 6 am on an empty stomach--drink 2 to 3 glasses. I take two. Then, walk slowly around, and in minutes--presto! You're likely to run to the bathroom to answer nature's call, eliminate wastes on a massive scale--liquid and solid. And you're going to notice some oily stuff in your stool, too, which is fatty oil flushed out from your digestive system. This is more likely if you ate lots of fiberous veggies the day before.

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Then drink water throughout the day. You should average about 8 glasses per day, but not more than 12. Well, experts say it depends on your body size and need. I agree. When it's hot like summer, you should be drinking more water to replenish fluid in your body eliminated through sweating. Especially so if you're outdoors walking under the sun. Enough water in your body makes sure your body systems are working well, especially your digestive system.

How much is "enough"? Experts say it depends on each individual. Says one health article online:
Health experts commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon a day. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.

However, some experts believe that you need to sip on water constantly throughout the day, even when you’re not thirsty.

As with most things, this depends on the individual. Many factors (both internal and external) ultimately affect how much water you need. 

Moreover, the article cites water intake standards in the US:

How much water you need depends on a lot of things and varies from person to person. For adults, the general recommendation from The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is about:

11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women
15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men


In the Philippines, doctors and health experts recommend 8 glasses a day or about 2 litters normally. But they are quick to add that you should ask your personal physician about it, more so if you have health issues, like kidney failure. For weight loss, I recommend taking 8 glasses of 350 ml each. I drink water as often as I need to (not I want to). I workout through the day, particularly in the late afternoon, so I often feel the need for water.  How to lose weight with God's Word and Medical Science. Click here.

Water Before Meals

Before you eat meals--or anything for that matter--drink a glass of water. This gives you a feeling of tummy fullness and eat less. Of course, immediately after the meal, you may feel hungry again because you ate less during the meal. Just drink water. Sometimes hunger is just in the mind, especially after meals. Or eat sugarless fruits, like a strawberry or two. You may eat anything you want in right proportions after meals if you feel hungry, but I recommend less-sweet fruit. Try guava or turnip. They provide fibers and nutrients.

Water is key to a no-diet slim. Some worry that too much water may enlarge their belly or make them gain weight. Water does make you feel bloated, but such "added weight" is easily gone after you urinate and perspire. Don't worry about it--water is never fattening. Instead, it helps you reduce weight. Google it---water has no fat content or carbs 😁. If a health expert says otherwise, inform me. That will add to my knowledge. 

But can it make your tummy permanently bigger? Some folks worry about "tummy stretch" caused by too much water in their stomach. Perhaps while the fluid is there, it does. But you'll eliminate it later, for sure, and then your tummy goes back to original size. I like water a lot and it hasn't given me a pot belly so far. Quite a bit of carbs did and I'm now working it out. And water helps me a lot. 

Water Burns Fat?

Kind of, yeah. Weird, right? I mean, when something's burning, you splash water to put it off. Apparently not so with body fat. You "burn" it with big help from water. And it's a medical fact, according to Medical News Today:
The process of metabolizing fat is called lipolysis. The first step of this process is hydrolysis, which occurs when water molecules interact with triglycerides (fats) to create glycerol and fatty acids. Drinking enough water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat. Source
Remember, you shouldn't drink too much water than you need so you won't feel too bloated, and you don't lose too much sodium, which is dangerous because you'd suffer fatugue, confusion, even seizures and coma. Drink enough and then exercise so the water you drank is used for detox and weight loss.

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