Intermittent Fasting or No-Diet Slim: Which is Better?

I'm an intermittent faster. I eat faster intermittently (joke).  I mean, I practice the discipline now and then. It's good, but it should be balanced. I still prefer no-diet slimming. Being the blog's author--and having actually tried it--of course I'd always say that no-diet slim plus is effective. More so because there's a "plus" in it. You don't just get rid of strict diets and eat however you want. The "plus" is about other important factors to consider so your enjoyment of food won't end in excessive weight and ill health. Is this so? There's only one way to find out--try it. Look, consider these:

  1. Be active. Experts recommend that you workout daily for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Or at least move actively with your body from time to time. Don't be idle. Here's what I mean--take the stairs whenever you can (what I call stair breaks, like a coffee break). Or, walk, and pick up stuff from the floor.
  2. Don't be a glutton. Eat what you need (or even want or crave) till you're no longer starved. Eat everything in right proportions. No-Diet Slim is not about gluttony but feeding yourself with anything God created as food in right proportions.
  3. Ingest enough water each day.
  4. Take organic supplements. It's almost impossible to avoid chemically treated foods today, so at least take natural supplements to counteract them.

Four things. Simple, isn't it? But the key is discipline and persistence. Many give up on their third of sixth week or month, especially on balanced eating and working out. Others think the wrong way--they think taking weight loss supplements is a license to gluttony. I'll tell you a secret to all successes in life, including effective weight loss--daily discipline and balance. Without these, nothing will work. 

For details about my e-book, "My Simple Secrets to Fitness," please scroll down.

To those well accustomed to discipline, they enjoy what they're doing so much that discipline does not feel like discipline anymore. It's daily life. Lose weight with God's Word and medical science. Click here.


Intermittent fasting is good.  But this still depends on the individual's metabolism. Some intermittent fasters I know are still overweight, nonetheless. Perhaps because they do it wrong. They skip meals and have a grand one at the end of the day. The idea behind intermittent fasting is to lessen your food intake during meals, especially carbs and sugar intake. 

But the best way to do this is to first gradually lessen your carb intake. When you have reduce it considerably, then you can proceed to intermittent fasting. But it doesn't mean you eat nothing at all. Have a swell lunch and some snacks in the afternoon, or what they call "eating time window." Then fast till the next lunch. 

Once you have attained a certain lean muscle body structure, you can go back to normal eating--sometimes two times a day, sometimes three times a day. Even eat all you want in right proportions. This means, you eat everything but your food intake has been disciplined to eating only small meals--or even skipping some periodically. A little bit of this and that. 

With some organic weight loss supplements, you won't have to punish yourself with food deprivation. You won't have to go through the rigors of taking meal replacements that sometimes taste like mud or drinking protein shakes for a meal instead of enjoying real foods you like. Just eat to eliminate hunger, not fill yourself as much as you like. That's silly. And even God won't support that. The Gospel shows us to eat till you're satisfied, not gluttonly full. 

Common Sense Diet

Effective weight loss is really one that is practical and common sense. You just have to make the best of what's available to you, especially when faced with limited options. And that's a daily reality for most of us--we have limited options. Most times we cannot do intermittent fasting when we're at work, most especially heavy work. It's not practical (and against common sense) to do heavy or stressful work and fast.

Eating all-carbs during a meal is not practical, but sometimes you find yourself with less choices. Most fastfood stores do not serve veggies, and if they do the veggies are stale and bereft of any nutrition. So what do you do? Be practical. Eat the all-carb meal available (instead of starve) but make sure to counter them later with an all-veggie meal when you have the chance to cook them yourself. Or eat nothing the next day but vegetables and fruits. Then go no-diet slimming again after. 

If nothing's available but unhealthy or fattening food, just eat. That's common sense. I'd do that instead of go foodless for a day. I sometimes find myself with nothing to eat but pasta, bread, soup thickened with flour, rice, breaded fish fillet (which doesn't seem to have any fish) or cakes and ice cream. All carbs. But what can I do? I eat just enough. Then I get my revenge in the next meal I'm able to. Yup, that's still a no-diet slim option.

My usual counteracting option is to eat nothing the next day for breakfast but latundan banana, coffee, very small carbs, and my home-made health and immune boosters consisting of mixed and blended ginger, turmeric, garlic, oranges, grapes, apple vinegar and virgin coconut oil--plus my organic supplements. Sometimes, I eat no breakfast. I do this especially when I had no other option the previous day but eat lots of meats, carbs or sugary food. 

Eating less to nothing the following day for breakfast lets your digestive system and insulin action rest a good deal. Then you may eat normally after that.


Back to fasting, intermittent fasting doesn't necessarily mean you starve yourself to death or eliminate certain foods from your diet forever and ever. It simply means you gradually cut-short the quantity of food you eat and lengthen the interval between your meals, eventually limiting yourself to two small meals a day. BUT YOU STILL EAT, and you eat everything in right proportions. Then, upon reaching your ideal weight and body fitness, you resime normally eating again. 

Fasting also has health benefits because it kind of re-boots your immune system and refreshes and invigorates  your body. Any form of rest (including fasting) is good. This is why the bible also emphasizes fasting as resting in God. But you don't fast forever. You still eat afterwards. And you eat normally. In this sense, fasting can fall under no-diet slimming. You fast but you eat everything in right proportions when you break the fast.

Though I appreciate a donation, this powerful e-book is yours with or without it. I just want to help you get fit, strong and healthy at any age right in your own housePinoy. Just email me at and ask for the FREE E-book, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS." 

You get an email back in about 15 seconds or less with a download link to the e-book plus a bonus e-book on success in job interviews. The email contains my GCash number in case you want to make a donation, P100 or whatever amount you have in mind (it will help my church ministry). 

But with or without donation, the 80-plus page e-book is yours for FREE and will give you ideas on how I got back in shape from feeling so sickly and how I manage today to be without maintenance meds by just doing simple but effective workouts you can do at home or anywhere you are.

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