Are Eat-All-You-Can Buffets Okay?

If you're on a diet or struggling to keep fit, are eat-all-you-can buffets okay? Well, it's been okay for me. They say it depends on one's metabolism, which is true. If you have slow metabolism, enjoy less of eat-all-you-can buffets. But I'm not saying keep away from them. Everyone has the right to it, including YOU!

This blog believes that No-Diet Slim is possible, so you might as well forget about diets, but it doesn't say we can eat mindlessly and just be a hopeless glutton eating anything. What we espouse is that, you don't have to sacrifice on food to lose weight. You can eat anything. You can forget about diets. But we're not espousing that you can eat all you want in one sitting. Are eat-all-you-can okay, then? Now and then, why not? But when your tummy says "Enough!" then you got to stop. Gluttony is a sin, says the bible.

Secret Tips

My tip during eat-all-you-can buffets is to stay away from carbohydrates. You start out with fruits and vegetables. Recently, we ate out (I and my officemates) at Tramway and I started out with sweet pineapple and crunchy lettuce. Always start with the fruits and veggies. Remember that. Then I went on with lots of fish and tofu, some meat and chicken, Chinese dimsum, Nido soup, and some more juicy steamed fish. Absolutely no rice. Meat, fish, et al will not get you fat; carbohydrates will. So stay away from rice, bread, and the like during an eat-all-you-can buffet.

Oh, err, I did have one tiny piece of bread and 3 pieces of buchi. The sesame seeds on buchi are good, you see. That's all the carbo I took. Right after the dinner my tummy felt light and flat. Oh yes, add to that, keeping my tummy in (stomach in) most of the time to workout the ab muscles a bit and make them lean so they can help burn fat.

Now, imagine if with all that safety precaution, you include my Vital-C and Optrimax Plum Delite fast-track slimming formula. (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form). Yes, you can enjoy food while trying to lose weight. You can even have eat-all-you-can buffets now and then, just as long as you eat smartly and workout. Remember, it's eat-all-you-can, not eat-all-you-want. "All you can" means the moment your tummy no longer can, you stop. "All you want" means you go on eating all you want even if your tummy says "enough."

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