Deadly Fats to Avoid!

Yes, there are fats you can have a little of, but there are also deadly fats to avoid! And no, you cannot avoid them by simply eating less or observing crash diets. You avoid them by smart eating--like when you eat balanced. And "balanced" doesn't mean you eat less than your body needs. It means you eat enough.

First off, remember that your body needs about 1200 calories a day if you're a woman, 1800 calories per day if a man, say nutritionists. So don't cut on calories to zero consumption if you want to live normal. We need it for energy, especially energy for working out to have more lean muscles which help burn fats. Allowable amounts of calories a day is essential. How much is "allowable"? Well, it depends on one's metabolism, really. Some guys with hardworking metabolism can eat lots and stay slim.

But definitely, all of us should avoid deadly fats that kill. And these are fats that collect in our body organs, beneath the skin, and on blood vessel walls. These are deadly fats to avoid.

Visceral Fats

These are fats that stubbornly stick to your body organs like the liver, kidneys, heart, and intestines. Once heavily and stubbornly collected there, they prevent the efficient function of the affected organs. Like the pancreas. Obesity is a known sabotage tool leading to insulin resistance. Or the colon. Too much fats collected there cause the colon to move less, aside from the lack of fibers.You get lots of visceral fats in your body, you become easy target for deadly diseases like diabetes and cancers.

The deadlier fact about visceral fats is, getting viscerally fat sometimes does not show on the external. You seem slim but inside you are dangerously fat. Thus, it is among deadly fats to avoid at all cost!

Subcutaneous Fats

These are fats just under the skin. They are show-off fats because they are readily seen on the external. They love to congregate around your tummy and waist--that thick belt of fat that makes your tummy protrude sideways and front awkwardly. Some say it's the easiest fat to lose, but really, it's more complicated than that. You can lose fats from the shoulders and arms faster, but the tummy?

Subcutaneous together with visceral are deadly fats to avoid because they lead to deadly diseases like, as I have said, diabetes and cancers. Aside from workouts and smart eating, Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delites can help you here big time. Vital-C helps your metabolism burn more fat and the plums work internally to block and/or flush out fats.

The third group of deadly fats to avoid are those that stick stubbornly to the blood vessel walls and later cause the deadly atherosclerosis--which leads to heart attacks or strokes. Vital-C, Vital CLeanse and Vital Digest help you eliminate fat and up your metabolism. OpTRIMax Plum Delites also helps you here because its green tea component burns fats and the Pu Er tea blocks fats. You may or may not observe a diet or do workouts with Vital-C and OpTRIMax and still lose weight effectively, but I recommend smart eating and workouts for total health benefits. You may be slim in and out, but if you don't eat healthy and workout, free radicals and carcinogens will get the better of you and your cells won't be rejuvenated.

So, Vital- C and Optrimax plus smart fitness keeps diseases away, by God's grace in Christ Jesus. Forget about diets, and stick by this rule. That's the No-Diet Slim life and health principle.

To buy Vital- C and OpTRIMax, just comment below.

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