Easy Crunch

Have you tried doing a crunch? To show you what a crunch is, watch the video provided here. After watching, try it for 10 repetitions. After you've become comfy with it, then try my easy crunch which I'm gonna discuss here. By the way, I do my crunches before sleeping at night and when I wake up in the morning. 

If you have more free time, do it more often. And make it entertaining. Enjoy it. Never think of it as a grueling activity. "Oh no, crunches. Not again!" That may take away from the effectiveness of the workout eventually. Being stressed out always works against you in the end. If you have more time at home, like during weekends, do the easy crunch more often and just enjoy it. 

So, first things first. Watch any crunch video on youtube and try it....

My Easy Crunch

Now that you've become familiar with crunches, here's my easy crunch. With the same posture seen on the pic above, the only difference with my easy crunch is that you lift your knees and feet in the air, hold it there while you do the crunches. Oh and yes, place two pillows on your head to make it really easy. But don't get me wrong, it is easy and yet so effective. It crunches more of your ab muscles from down to the upper parts and clenches the muscles more to give you better ab workouts.

All the tension should be on the ab muscles; nothing on your leg muscles, neck, or back muscles. If you feel pain on these parts, you're doing it wrong. Make sure to be relaxed always [except for the ab muscles] and your back always flat on the mattress when you land it there gently. And yes, do the crunch slowly, feeling all the clenching on your tummy.

I always find my easy crunch easier to do than other variations and I'm more relaxed at the end of each set. Do this with 40 to 50 repetitions in 4 sets, as you watch the TV or as you just talk to your spouse in bed. Always relax. Sometimes, I place my arms crossed in front of my chest and let it rest there for an added weight to my easy crunch.

Master my easy crunch and you can get forget about diets. It's an effective no-diet slim workout.

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