No-Diet, No-Exercise Slim: But Better If You Do

Vital-C sodium ascorbate and OpTRIMax Plum Delite really work effective weight loss even without dieting or exercising. A lot of users have tried it that way. However, we do not restrict your getting tiptop health and shape with added diet and workouts while taking Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite. I mean, total good health, after all, is not just about weight loss.

If Vital-C and OpTRIMax plums can make you slimmer without diets and workouts, think of the benefit if you do diet and workout. But by "dieting and working out" I don't mean the harrowing punishment they usually do just to lose weight and flabby fat on their tummies. You can do it moderately and plum your way to a slimmer fit while enjoying your favorite foods. You get much faster results that way. I personally do. In a sense, it's still a no-diet, no-exercise slim, but better if you do.

I Plum, Take Vital-C, Diet, and Exercise

I take my plums, my Vital-C, diet a bit, and do average workouts. What diet do I do? I eat balanced, lessen on my carbo intakes [but I still enjoy some rice and cakes], and sometimes eat only oatmeal during supper. What workouts do I do? I do push-ups, pull-ups, isometrics, walking and running, and martial arts. But you see, before taking plums, I did the dieting and exercising but nothing worked for my tummy. But when I started taking the plums, my tummy and love handles trimmed off! Now I can do my exercises with inspiration, knowing that about half of my belly fat is gone.

And I look so trim today, muscles in the right places--better trimmed than most young people. And my abs are actually beginning to display defined muscles. It's a great feeling! I can wear tight shirts and jeans [my legs are also becoming muscularly shaped] and see my tummy well trimmed when I tuck in my shirt, my chest and arm muscles showing off! No bulging tummy!

Well, I don't wanna look like Mr Universe or something like that. I just want to look athletically muscular, as befits an athletic martial artist. And I want to stay this way till old age. Impossible? Not if you ask God for it [nothing is impossible to Him] and if you have the right natural health supplements like OpTRIMax Plum Delite and Vital C products. It's a nice feeling being in your right body proportions and curves.

You can lose weight with no-diet, no-exercise slim but better if you do have a healthy diet and effective workout. Nothing beats overall health as God designed it.

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