Hints that Your Weight Loss Product May Be a Colon Killer, Too!

This is the question most weight loss enthusiasts often forget: Does your weight loss product give you colon health, too? An effective weight loss product or program should also give you colon health, not just make you lose weight. Health [or death] begins in the colon, some medical experts say. And if your weight loss product turns out to be a colon killer, what good is a trim tummy for?

What are the symptoms that your weight loss product is actually a colon killer? Here are some hints:

Is it Dehydrating? 

If a weight loss product is dehydrating [if it triggers excessive purgative or laxative action], chances are, both good and bad bacteria are being flushed out of your colon. And if this is so, merely drinking enough water won't suffice to recover what has been taken away. Good colon health needs microflora growth or the existence of good bacteria. Mere purgative or laxative effects aren't good for weight loss, and eventually for overall health. It's just like having bad LBM, which is actually an illness.

OpRIMax plums do not give you LBM or loose bowel movement. You have good, healthy bowel movement minus dehydration because of the probiotics in OpTRIMax plums. And with these plums, you never lose good bacteria in your colon, which promotes good colon health.

Does it Make You Weak?

If your weight loss supplement makes you weak, it's probably wreaking havoc on your health, and colon health might be included. Purgative or laxative weight loss products do make you weak due to the fluid loss from your body. With OpTRIMax plums, you actually have more energy because of the probiotics. And you can take Vital Nutrient and Vital Protect along with the plums. Furthermore, with your colon healthy with OpTRIMax Plum Delite, it absorbs food nutrients more and faster due to the existence of good bacteria, making you healthier and stronger, not weaker.

Does It Make You Skip Eating Real Food?

God designed our bodies to take in nutrition from natural and fresh food like green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and even meat and pork. If your weight loss product tells you to skip meals or avoid some foods, or that the product is all you need to take in lieu of real meals, you may be loading up with protein and fat burners, but how about other natural food vitamins and minerals? Protein is not the only nutrient your body needs. It needs minerals and antioxidants to fight diseases, not just look trim and sexy. So, Optrimax plums is best taken with Vital Nutrient.

By the way, OpTRIMax plums are rich in antioxidants! Does your weight loss product have them?

Colon health means we eat nutritiously, especially lots of dietary fibers. Bombarding yourself with proteins to squeeze out fats does not give you colon health. And if your colon is not healthy, your bulging muscles or sexy body won't mean a thing in the end. You may be lean and trim now but your colon may be suffering silently. And colon problems, like colon cancer, seldom announce themselves noisily. They're often silent killers. It's often too late once they're discovered.

No-Diet Slim blog urges you to continue eating natural, fresh, and nutritious food and never have to worry about gaining weight. Go ahead and enjoy your fruits and vegetables, fresh milk, lean meats, and even some amounts of fats and carbo. You can eat anything you want and not gain weight if you regularly take Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite. This plum is super rich in dietary fibers, which is the safest way, along with Vital-C sodium ascorbate, of eliminating fats, not protein overload. And no need to skip meals, avoid foods or replace them.

Is it Fiber-Rich?

You may be taking capsules or pills or liquids for weight loss. But genuine and safe weight loss is through dietary fibers. Fruits like plums are very rich in fibers. Fibers act like gentle scrubs on your intestinal walls and colon, scrubbing off the poisons and toxins and heavy metals that have stubbornly attached to the walls and flush them out of your system. With your digestion and colon in tiptop shape, they better digest food and eliminate them fast, without harmful residues remaining in your colon to rot or gather as fats and later cause deadly damage.

Thus, with regular Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite, you get a trim tummy the fiber, safer way. To buy Vital-C Health Products and OpTRIMax Plums now, please refer to the sidebar.

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