Muscle Bulk Doesn't Always Indicate Colon Health

Big and strong muscles plus well sculpted abs equals good health, right? Wrong! We have the tendency to equate muscle bulk with good health. But good health is first and foremost healthy colon. Are you sure you have a healthy colon?

You can be so muscular and your abs so fit and defined due to workouts and slimming supplements and yet still have your colon clogged. Colon diseases like colon cancer do not only hit pot-bellied people but those who seem slim as well.

By the way, on the left is a picture of the colon. A healthy colon is cleansed regularly, like 2 to 3 times a day. Do you move your bowels that often? If not, your colon may be in trouble, though yet quietly. Among the first symptoms of a troubled colon is irregular bowel movement, say every other day or worse, twice or once a week! You better be on an OpTRIMax plum regiment now!

If you consume too much protein because you're crazy about muscled abs, your lack of dietary fibers may be starting to kill you gradually. Yeah, you feel so strong and healthy now, but genuine healthy is not a matter of feeling. Go have a check up from your physician and also check if you move your bowels regularly. Health experts define "regularly" as 3 times a day. They reason, you eat 3 times a day, you should also eliminate wastes thrice a day. Food in wastes out. If you're much into junk, that's garbage in garbage out.

Now, back to your colon. All deadly diseases start from the colon. Almost all cancers start there, too. Clogged colons attract bad pathogenic bacteria that worsen or multiply the effects of deadly toxins and even metals, and that expedites the destructive effects of free radicals and carcinogenic materials in your digestive system. What more if you have a leaking colon--leaking toxins to your blood stream!

You don't need toxins and metals in your body. Your colon has to move them out fast! And only dietary fibers and natural antioxidants from plants and fruits (and OpTRIMax plums) can help you, not protein or muscle-building supps, and yes, not your big muscles. By the way, the picture on the right is a clogged colon. Your's might be thus. To see how the clogging matter in the colon actually looks like, it's something like the picture below, to the left. See that? That monster may be right inside your colon now. Start OpTRIMaxing your colon now! OpTRIMax plums start getting rid of them from day one after the previous night's intake.

OpTRIMax Plum Delite is all natural, therefore safe and effective. It has lots of fibers and antioxidants from Pu Er tea and green tea. But the best part is the plum's fermentation. Fermented plums are so powerful with their good bacteria that supports the natural micro flora of your colon, if there's any left there. If none, then OpTRIMax plums, because they are highly fermented, will help put back good bacteria life or probiotics in your colon. Then you start getting good optimum health.

Join the many people who are discovering the amazing effects of our Singaporean cultured plums here in the Philippines! To get your OpTRIMax fruit plums from me, simply comment below.

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