Colon Problems: Mother of All Deadly Diseases

Even I didn't understand it at first. I thought that being healthy just meant eating healthy food and exercising enough to produce more visible muscles. I didn't realize that colon problems not only hindered good health but also birthed deadly diseases in you.

So, You Say You Eat Healthy Foods

Okay, let's say you eat lots and lots of healthy foods. But colon problems reduce the ability of your body to absorb nutrients. Colon problems either waste food to rot in your gut or waste them so that they exit your body with so little nutrients extracted from them. All your healthy vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat, plus all the health supplements, all wasted down the drain because your colon does not function as it ought to.

Problematic Colon Starts Where?

A problematic colon often starts when the balance between good and bad bacteria is lopsided in favor of bad bacteria. There should be lots more good than bad bacteria in your digestive system. But because of the synthetic drugs you have been taking, like antibiotics which kill both bad and good bacteria, the natural microflora in your digestive system is negatively affected, if not devastated then totally eliminated.

Or, all the processed food you've been eating, like processed meat and junk foods, plus the softdrinks and sugars and other carcinogenic ingredients, have wrecked the microflora growth in your tummy by the overgrowth of bad bacteria which feed on clogged and rotten processed foods there. If you have constipation, bloating, IBM or irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, GERD, or anything like these, then they're sure symptoms you have colon problems you should deal with presto.

Your problem is not just your weight and figure. It's lots more serious than that. And most weight loss supps today do not address your colon problems.

Use of Good Bacteria

Did you know that microorganisms in your digestive system help break down food into simpler forms and make food nutrients more easily absorbed by your system? Without these beneficial bacteria, your healthy foods are made almost useless in your digestive system. They get stuck there and rot and get inhabited by bad bacteria and harden and clog your colon eventually.

As the colon gets more problematic, the interaction of bad bacteria and rotting food in your colon births colon related diseases which later degenerates into deadly diseases like colon cancer and other cancers. Experts say most deadly diseases originate from serious colon problems. Remember that cancer cells live in highly acidic environments. The rotting food residues in your gut plus the bad bacteria in them equal a highly acidic habitat for cancers.

Vital C, Vital Cleanse, Vital Digest and OpTRIMax Plums

Vital C sodium ascorbate is powerful to strengthen your immune system, and eventually your colon. Vital-C's alkalinity stops the growth of cancer. Vital cleanse helps detoxify your colon, liver, kidneys, and lungs. Vital digest aids in breaking down carbs, proteins, starches, fats and all types of sugars. Last but not least, fermented OpTRIMax plums are rich in probiotics that promote microflora growth and put more alkalinity in your colon.
Aside from the healthy microflora growth, the dietary fibers in plums clean your colon of toxins, poisons, rotten residues, and even heavy metals that cause deadly diseases. Then, the Pu Er and green teas in Optrimax plums burn fats and block fats from stubbornly sticking to your body or developing into visceral, subcutaneous, and blood vessel fats.

With the dynamic quartet--Vital-C, Vital Cleanse, Vital Digest and Optrimax plums, you have effective weight loss and immune system boosts. Your powerful defense against deadly diseases, like colon cancer, is also up. I bet your weight loss supps don't have that.

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