Pu Er Tea is a Powerful Fat Inhibitor

You know what Pu Er tea does to fats? It tells them, "Do not enter!" Or more aptly put, "Scram, you fats! And I mean it!" And believe it or not, fats obey with fear and trembling! Where Pu Er tea is found, fats dare not tread. And this fact is not just derived from testimonies or surmises. This is backed by clinical studies: Pu Er tea is a powerful fat inhibitor or blocker.

How Pu Er Tea Blocks Fat

Pu Er tea has the ability to prevent, block or inhibit the activities of FAS or fatty acid synthase in our body. This acid is all to blame about fatty acid, and later fatty molecule, production. In short, this acid is why you get fat. Neutralize it and you start a no-diet slim and forget about diets. How are you going to gain weight if FAS is incapacitated? Pu Er tea in OpTRIMax Plums does that for you!

Specifically, FAS triggers more palmitic acids [a kind of fatty acid] to be produced from foods we eat heavy on certain co-enzyme compounds. From this chemical reaction inside our bodies also come triglycerides, which are stored fats for later use as energy [but if you live an inactive life, the stored fats get perpetually stored and growing]. FAS is found to be high in most cancer cases, as obesity is a major factor in cancer, not to mention insulin resistance and diabetes. Pu Er tea as fat inhibitor, then, plays a vital role in obesity, cancer, and diabetes prevention. Hence, your OpTRIMax plum is more than just a weight loss fruit.

By the way, Pu Er tea is also found to have natural lovastatin which is beneficial against bad cholesterol.

Pu Er Tea is Now a Current Interest in Fat Blocking!

Now, the past decade saw the start of FAS inhibition being considered as cancer chemotherapy. But the year 2000 started the search for natural FAS inhibition that would also stop lipogenesis or the production of fats in the body to trigger natural weight loss. And guess what? They are seriously considering Pu Er tea to be among FAS inhibitors because of its unique fat blocking chemical compounds. And the compounds are produced by fermenting Pu Er tea.

Now, a clinical test done in Taiwan showed how Pu Er tea is the most effective among powerful teas that fight FAS or obesity. This is due probably to the unique compounds or antioxidants found only in Pu Er tea that effectively blocks fat from entering your body system and getting stubbornly stuck there. Now, blended into your OpTRIMax plums, all you have to do is eat a plum each night to get the powerful anti-fat or fat blocking power of Pu Er tea and get the health benefits of no-diet slim. Now you can forget about dieting!

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