Foods that Kill Stomach Fats

This isn't just hype. There are foods that "kill" stomach fats. And they are the following:
  • Foods high in dietary fibers
  • Foods high in protein
  • Fresh fruit juices high in Vitamin C taken at the right time
Now, when I say foods high in dietary fibers and protein, I mean natural foods. Take lots of tofu or soya products, for instance, like natural soya milk. Or else, goat's milk which has less cholesterol. There are weight loss shakes rich in protein and very effective for the purpose. 

However, it's best to  take dietary fibers for weight loss. It's the safest. There's no such thing as fiber overload. Solid fibers act as brooms for cleaning your intestine and stomach. There are fluid fibers which easily stick to toxins and fats and take these with them as they exit our bodies. Solid of fluid, dietary fibers are safe. 

Protein overdose, on the other hand, is bad for those with renal problems. High protein intake can worsen renal damage and lead to protein toxicity. This can be a serious thing for those with kidney problems already. If you don't have kidney problems, protein abuse can put stress on your kidneys. And anyway, unused protein due to overload converts into fats. So, if you keep taking protein supps and not use them all, it will give you belly fats just the same. What a waste of money. Remember, we want foods that kill stomach fats, not feed them. Moreover, too much protein can deplete your calcium supply and cause osteoporosis. We want to kill fats, not bones.

Fresh fruit juices like kalamansi, dalandan and other citrus fruits high in Vitamin C should be taken first thing in the morning after 3 glasses of water therapy. And I mean lots of these fruit juices. For instance, take 15 to 25 pieces of fresh kalamansi and squeeze them into a glass. Then drink immediately. Acid? No, fresh fruit juices are alkaline as long as you drink them immediately, as soon as you prepare them. They can get rid of toxins and fats in your colon and digestive system and shrink-flat your tummy. They do mine! They're foods that kill stomach fats! They also turn alkaline anything acidic in your stomach.

Back to dietary fibers. Unlike too much protein that converts into fats, too much dietary fibers never convert into fats. Too much fibers is simply flushed out of your system through smooth and easy bowel movement. For food rich in dietary fibers, try boiled okra, eggplant, asparagus, and papaya, to name a few. And of course plums! But you see, sometimes it can tire you to prepare these veggies and fruits daily. You have to boil okra and eggplant, or slice up the papaya and scoop it little by little until you finish the whole fruit. Oh yeah, you can't eat a little of this and that and expect fibers to get rid of your fats. You have to eat plenty!

But with Vital-C and OpTRIMax plums, all you need to do is take them regularly according to my formula. (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form). That's enough to make you lose weight without rigid diets or exercise. Vital-C and these special, delicious plums are among foods that kill stomach fats. And it's easy to do. Just take them! No preparations. That's it! You become trim and fit in weeks! So, forget about diets and focus on a no-diet slim. To order Vital- C and OpTRIMax plums, comment below.

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