Avoid Fast Food [How We Eat Poison Daily]

If you're serious about losing weight and getting rid of your bad cholesterol and high triglycerides, you have to avoid fast food. Nothing sold there is healthy. Instead, they're all fattening and can later give you serious health problems, like hypertension, diabetes, and serious liver and kidney problems. That's how we eat poison daily--through fast food.

Ever wondered why the rise of dialysis centers in the city seemed to have coincided with the rise of fast food stores? Besides being too salty, these foods are difficult to digest because they're mostly processed food, ready to quick-cook or quick-fry. They're made of or covered or sauced with stuff made of white flour, which is fattening and hard to digest. Almost nothing there is served fresh and natural. The desserts are rich in white flour and white sugar--all perfect as cancer cell feeds.

You can slim down with a no diet slim, and forget about diets, but you have to choose what kind of food you eat. You can eat what you want but you also have to feed yourself with balanced meals. No Diet Slim Blog supports balanced diets all the way! Eat lots of veggies and fruits along with other food stuff you like. Eat food rich in dietary fibers.

But Most Times We Can't Choose

However, most of the time, healthy balanced food is not available to us. We are forced to eat in fast food stores or local eateries that serve nothing but pork and meat and leftovers recycled and re-cooked with lots of flour and/or spices to cover up their taste. So we get all the fat and LDL and saltiness that harm our liver and kidneys. Sometimes, we even reinforce that by adding fish sauce or soy or more salt to our food to tickle our appetites and be able to eat enough bland food.

How many of us don't eat out on a daily basis? Office workers and students and business folks who stay out of their houses most of the day mostly don't have any choice but to eat out. And unknowingly, they eat mostly poisons and toxins and heavy metals embedded in their food and drinks that kill them slowly and make them fat. That's how we eat poison daily. That's why taking health supplements is no longer optional. It is a must. If you can't avoid eating out, at least you have supplement protection. So, what protection do you have against the poisons of fast food if you're not taking any supplement?

Some "Health" Supplements Contain White Sugar

Worse, some supplements that pose as "health" products actually contain white sugar for sweetening. Do they help us any health-wise? The answer is a big NO! They make us think they're some help to our health, but they're really wolves in sheep's clothing. They sometimes even make matters worse. Any nutrient your supplement carries is negated by the white sugar content. Why? Because white sugar weakens and depletes from your immune system.

It also destroys the microflora balance in your colon because it can cause acidity that kills good bacteria. Without good microorganism in your digestive track, your body won't be able to absorb nutrients well. Thus, no mater what nutrients your supplement carries, if it's sweetened with sugar, little absorption by the body will happen. Now, pity you if your supplements cost so much and yet have sugar content.

OpTRIMax Plum Delite Has Absolutely Zero Sugar

Now, OpTRIMax Plum Delite, though delicious, has zero sugar in it. It has a slight natural sweetness because plums naturally have it. But you can count on it--OpTRIMax plums have no sugar. It has no poison or toxins or anything chemical or artificial that can harm your health. It burns fat and blocks it. too. It gives you colon health, healthy and smooth bowel movement, and the antioxidants in its green and pu erh teas protect you from deadly diseases like heart ailments, cancers, and diabetes. To buy OpTRIMax plums, comment below.

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