I'm Created to be Fat

"I guess I'm really fat. You can't make me any slimmer." If you are well resigned to this idea, then you're saying, "I'm created to be fat." You believe that God designed you to be obese all your life-- which isn't like God at all. If you've been reading about him in the bible, you'd know that we were all created equal. But some time after birth, our parents decided to feed us differently, and then at the right age we decided to feed ourselves in ways farther away from God's original plan.

Obesity, and health in general, is really a choice, except for those with hormonal balance problems that cause uncontrollable obesity or those with Cushing's Syndrome as well as those experiencing menopause. Yet, there are remedies even for uncontrollable obesity. And, to be sure, almost everyone can be fit and trim with choice [not fantasy]. And you cannot point to God as the author of your obesity. No one is created to be fat.

Resigned to Being Obese

I've met lots of people who are resigned to being fat. They know it's unhealthy but they do nothing about it. They just eat as usual. Others know there are weight loss supplements around that can help them, but they refuse to spend even a cent to be fit and trim--and think they're being wise. It's just a waste of money to them. However, when debilitating disease sets in due to obesity, they spend lots of money, just the same, for the cure--if there's any.

Deadly diseases set in by obesity [cancers, diabetes, inflammation, heart diseases, and hypertension] can be prevented, and in fact obesity prevention is the best defense against such ailments. However, as long as some people still feel okay, they will never give in to buying and taking health and weight loss supplements. They feel the same way about workouts. They just tell themselves, "I'm created to be fat."

Good News!

The good news is, no one is created to be fat. God wants all of us to be healthy. It's his will stated in 3 John 2 in the bible. In addition, he said that anyone who destroys God's temple [which is our bodies], God will destroy him or her. Obesity destroys the body, and if you ignore it, you willingly destroy your body. Moreover, the bible is quite particular about what we eat. So, start planning seriously to become fit and trim. I'm pretty sure, it's God's will for you. You don't have to pray and ask him if it is.

I'm Trying the Best I can But I'm Still Fat

Well, some body metabolisms are slow, like my wife's. They take weight loss supplements, workout, and still remain fat or a bit off their ideal weight, like my wife is. What are they going to do? Simple--continue taking weight loss supps, diet, and workout. Not at all starvation diets, or replacement diets. Just balanced diets. No Diet Slim supports balanced diets. When we say observe a diet, we mean balanced. Eat all you want as long as it's balanced. Better yet, forget about diets and take Vital-C sodium ascorbate and OpTRIMax plums regularly.

Fitness and health is a lifetime endeavor. So don't say you've been dieting and working out but nothing seems to work. You cannot eat for a week and say you'll never get hungry again. You will. Don't you eat for health? Thus, health and fitness is also a lifetime work. If you're not yet fit and trim today, just go on. You will, in the end, if you don't give up. The bible says, God rewards prudence.

 What Do I Do with My Slow Metabolism

To hasten up your metabolism a bit, you need to be active and take more proteins. Aside from your workouts, be active the whole day. How? For instance, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Walk to your home instead of taking cabs or tricycles to be dropped off right at your doorstep so you won't have to walk. Don't get that bad habit. When getting off buses or jeeps, get off about a corner away from your actual getting off point. Then walk to it. Walk, walk, walk. Take stair-climbing breaks at the office.

Then take more proteins. Drink non fat milk, soya milk, eat tofu and lean meat and fish, and then cut down on carbo. I didn't say eliminate carbos. I said cut down.

Finally, work on having lean muscles. Lean muscles burn fats more. More proteins and more workout repetitions equal lean muscles. If you do dumbbells, go for lighter weights and more than 10 reps than too heavy weights and 10 repetitions. Now, the best thing is to supplement all these with regular Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite. They help a lot in increasing body metabolism due to its dietary fibers, fat burners, and fat blockers. The action of green tea and Pu Erh tea ensures this result. OpTRIMax plums plus diet and exercise help hasten your body metabolism and speed up weight loss. Vital-C sodium ascorbate aids in fat burring and enhances metabolism.

Remember, no one is created to be fat. God wants you to be healthy, fit, and trim. If he wants it for you, it can happen to you. To buy Vital-C and Optrimax Plums, just comment below.

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