Fast Slimming Formula You Should Try

Metabolism has a lot to do with how fast you'd slim down with any weight loss supplement or workout program. Metabolism is the rate your body burns fat. If you have a kinda sleepy metabolism that's leisurely taking time burning body fat, you will take longer to slim down even with many weight loss supplements. But not if you use non-acidic Vital-C Vitamin C that helps fast track metabolism, and couple that with OpTRIMax Plum Delite with its fat blocking and burning properties!

So don't worry, we have a fast slimming formula you should try. This Vital-C and OpTRIMax fast slimming formula needs discipline to implement and may cut down slimming process time by 10 to 20 percent for those with slow metabolism. Do it religiously and with dead seriousness and you'd get the slim body you deserve.

Vital-C and a Plum a Day

By taking Vital-C sodium ascorbate and Optrimax Plums regularly, you combine metabolism boost and fat burning and blocking. Add to that improved immune system, detox, cellular repair, improved microflora in the digestive system for better nutrient absorption, and body resistance to fight overstress when you are working out to lose weight. (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form).

Drink 1.5 Liters a Day

Drink a total of 1.5 liters a day, and that's inclusive of 3 glasses of water first thing in the morning. Water therapy works well with Vital-C and OpTRIMax Plum Delite. And if you continue drinking water throughout the day for a total of 1.5 liters, you're halfway  done with the Vital-C and OpTRIMax fast slimming formula.Yeah, I said halfway done. Because you're not done yet. You have to...

Eat Oatmeal and Zero Rice at Supper Time

At supper time, eat nothing but zero-sugar oatmeal. Well, you may eat fish and veggies and lean meat, but no rice, bread, or any carbo rich food. You're about to sleep anyway and you don't need carbo for energy. It's not that rigid, is it? It's not rigid dieting, really. During the day, eat balanced meals and healthy snacks and easy on the carbo, especially white bread and rice. You want fast slimming formula, right? So stick close to this plan and double up your metabolism. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, too. By the way, instead of oatmeal, you may also try zero-sugar gulaman.

Drink Orange Concentrates After Water Therapy

Didn't I mention water therapy first thing in the morning earlier? Okay. After 30 minutes, drink a full tall glass of freshly squeezed orange, dalandan, or any citrus fruit, concentrate. And I mean really fresh! Concentrate from the fruit itself. Don't use powdered or canned juices, not matter how "fresh" and "concentrated" the manufacturers claim them to be. Buy fresh oranges or lemon or kalamansi and squeeze them to a full glass. With kalamansi, you may use 30 pieces and squeeze them in a glass and drink pronto. Do this each morning 30 minutes after water therapy on an empty stomach. It does wonders for fat burning and colon cleansing. I should know because I'm an avid fan.

Abs Crunching

Do 150 abs crunching a day. Do it slow and make sure you are relaxed doing it, concentrating the pain in the abs. No pain should be on the back or anywhere else. Consult correct crunching videos on youtube, like the one below. You may also do some pushups and dumbbells. More muscles means more fats are being burned on a regular basis. But because you're not yet muscular [and you're aiming for a faster metabolism], start with this Vital-C and OpTRIMax fast slimming formula. But there's no harm incorporating the abs workouts and pushups and dumbbells this early. You have to make this your career!

Eat Lots of Protein

Finally, eat lean meat, tofu, and nonfat dairy products like yogurt and fresh milk. Goat's or carabao's milk is good. Taho or soya curd is excellent.

Finally, here's a wise word from No Diet Slim. You know, I'd do anything to be healthy and fit and out of diseases, by God's mercy and grace. It's smart. I don't know why lots of people think fitness and health are optional. Some even think fitness is stupid and a waste of time and money. Later, when I see how diseases have finally caught up with them--and looking horrible--they shell out money anyway because they find themselves without any option but to spend big money--not on health--but on medication.

Do the Vital-C and OpTRIMax slimming formula now. (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form). Once you get to your ideal weight and size, you may eat all you want and still remain fit and trim. Remain slim and forget about diets. To buy Vital-C and OpTRIMax plums, comment below.

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