Don't Disrupt Your Natural Body Clock, Or Else...

God placed an unseen clock in your body. Don't bother to have it X-rayed, you won't see it anyway--or any other way for that matter. And don't wonder that it's not subject to metal detectors when you're checked in malls. But to be sure, you have a body clock in you. It's there.

Your body clock sets the time for proper sleeping, eating, digestion, detoxification, reading, and studying. If you follow your body clock, your entire body system works naturally and healthily, with every body process timed accurately to do a function precisely at the time it is needed and expected by your body, creating a natural balance or body ecology that automatically sustains perfect health.

As the book of Ecclesiastes in the bible says, there' s a time for everything. God put a clock in all creation, and we better follow it to the second if we want harmony with his flow, with oneness with all his creation. Count on it, the moment we go against God's timing, no matter how small in detail, everything goes berserk. And we start with our own body clock before we can deal properly with the ecological clock in our surroundings.

Body Clock Sleep

First, sleep on time--and at night. God did not design our bodies to sleep by day and work at night. Yes, it may not feel wrong now--you may not see any side effects yet--because you're still young, but the small accumulated damages will get to you sooner or later, especially when you get old and your defense system is down. God programmed your body to seek rest and sleep at night, needing 7 to 8 hours to recover, repair itself, heal, and grow.

If you forfeit your body of this vital benefit and sleep only 5 or 4 hours or less, you disrupt recovery, repair, healing, and growing processes. Just imagine that damage, and it accumulates daily. That's tons of stress and oxidative damage, and free radicals begin to reign in your body. Now, if you decide to catch up on sleep loss by sleeping during the day, the effect is not like what you'd get if you slept at night because God designed you to work by day and sleep at night.

Body Clock on Eating Meals

Always eat on time. God designed your body to get nourishment just at the exact time. So eat breakfast in the morning, not when it's almost lunch time; eat lunch at noon, not late in the afternoon. And eat supper early evening, not near midnight. Disrupt this body clock on eating time and you interfere with the body's natural timing on nourishment replenishment, digestion, detox, and circulation.

For instance, being hungry at lunch time, your digestion starts working then but finds nothing to digest. Your stomach releases digestive enzymes anyway and starts hurting your stomach linings and intestinal walls, "digesting" them instead of food. Then your nutrient-depleted cells and organs also find nothing to feed on but continue doing their work anyway, being overworked and distressed in the process. And then you decide to drink coffee to "ease" hunger for a while, so all your cells and organs get is caffeine for lunch. Now, imagine if this goes on daily.

Health Benefits If Body Clock is Followed

Proper body clock functions plus healthy eating and exercise equal:

1. Smooth flow of natural body systems and processes.
2. Smooth metabolism function: natural balance between weight loss and weight gain.
3. Smooth detoxification. Your body eliminates wastes regularly and on time.
4. No constipation or UTI or kidney or liver problems.
5. Most likely no abnormal blood pressure or sugar.

It'll be super to add to all the above a regular intake of Vital-C health products as I'm doing, especially if your job or business leaves you no choice but to sometimes violate your body clock system (which I don't do). Vital-C health products are powerful for making up on your health lack. Better yet, to stop allowing your job or business to interfere with your body clock, do the Vital-C business with me where the residual income gives you time freedom eventually.

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