Weight Loss is Simply Going Back to the Basics

What we eat and our eating habits in the 21st century changed our metabolism so that most of us today need to take extra weight loss remedies just to control weight gain and hopefully get back in shape. Now we have to go to the gym and take artificial diet pills, too. These days we see diabetic patients everywhere and see dialysis clinics in almost every street corner. But really, weight loss is simply going back to the basics.

Many years back, gyms and diets were never heard of. My dad and mom in their younger years never heard or talked about supplements, diets, or gym workouts to keep slim and healthy. It's ironic that today, even with the proliferation of gyms, special diets, and supplements, more people are sick with debilitating diseases compared to about 50 or 100 years ago.

Some experts say, more folks died of sickness then compared today because of the medical technology available to us. That may be true, but people then died of epidemics, plagues, or outbreaks, not diseases derived from obesity or abnormal weight gain. They died due to lack of modern medical facilities, not careless unhealthy habits. My dad or mom would talk of never hearing about so many folks being sick with hypertension or diabetes in their day, unlike today when these diseases, along with heart problems and even cancers, seem to be ordinary daily realities.

Almost everyone you meet in the streets today have hypertension or kidney, liver, or heart problems. Almost everyone has some kind of a maintenance medicine. This is because we have deviated too far from the basics. We have made food preparation too complicated with lots of artificial this and that plus chemical preservatives, colors, flavors, and what-have-you. We have injected harmful substances into our meats and mixed the same into our animal feeds so that meats, milk, and dairy products we eat today have become more of health risk factors than nutrition sources.

Consequently, many people started gaining abnormal weight, accumulating stubborn fats in places in the body where they're not supposed to build up, and where they're so hard to get rid of. These are all the workings of modern capitalist food processing made complicated for quick-profit purposes, and modern beverages so rich in sugars. People mindlessly consume them all and then wonder why they're getting fat with age and why fat is hard to shed off.

Add to all the above unhealthy habits of not getting enough rest, relaxation and leisure, and sleep.

But the solution to weight loss is simply going back to the basics. Eat balanced and on time, exercise, avoid idleness or inactivity, enough sleep and sleeping on time, eat natural food, drink natural drinks, and avoid being over stressed. (And when I say "eat balanced" I don't mean rigid or strict diets. Just eat, healthily).

But you see, it's hard to just start living healthily when the damages wrought by years of unhealthy living are already in place firmly in our body systems. We need to get them all out and start overhauling our systems. We need to detoxify and cleanse and re-introduce natural healthy food. Thus, we badly need to supplement our natural food intake.

When you have restored good health into your body and everything is back to normal, you'd see how weight loss is simply going back to the basics. Your healthy body systems will naturally balance everything and get rid of fats and toxins and other harmful stuff off your body. No need to pay extra for gyms, diets, and supplements.

I highly recommend taking Vital-C health products and Optrimax Plums. For details on these products, just comment below. I also urge you to checkout Blue Heron Weight Loss Breeze (weight loss on autopilot) by referring to it on the blog sidebar.

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