How Healthy Food can be Fattening

It may be hard to believe but some healthy foods may be making you fat. I'm not saying you get rid of them from your diet; what I'm saying is, you make sure not to overeat them. I guess it's true--too much of anything is bad. So the next time you see them on your dinner table, control your appetite if you want to stay fit. Here are some of them:

Granola: this breakfast food consists of rolled oats, honey, nuts, and puffed rice. Eaten like breakfast cereal, it's sometimes topped with dried fruits like dates and raisins, or even fresh fruits, making it very healthy. Now, beware of eating too much of this because a cup can give you 500 cals extra.

Pasta: we all know that pasta is carbohydrates. Pasta is healthy. But just to let you see how much it gives us--1 and a half cups can give you about 60 grams of carbs and about 350 calories. It's a good energy-giving food but take care not to eat more than enough.

Avocado: it's among my favorite fruits and is rich in the antioxidant glutathione. But eating just one avocado gives you more than 300 calories plus 30 grams of fat. Just imagine if you eat it with milk and sugar. You may think fruits are good for weight loss--which is true in a sense--but you should go easy on avocado. Again, beware--some healthy foods may be making you fat.

Fruit Juice and Smoothies: I see lots of folks trying to lose weight take mega doses of fruit juices and smoothies. It's highly recommended, but take note that almost all commercial fruit juices have lots of sugar, more so fruit smoothies. You may be a "fruit juice buff" and still remain overweight because you buy ready-to-drink juices, smoothies, and shakes. What I mean by "highly recommended" earlier is to make your own fresh juice drinks without sugar.

Dried Fruit: because they're dried, they have zero water content. The available "space" created by eliminating water is then filled up with sugar, lots of it, as a preservative. And experts say the sugar here is "calorically" dense, meaning just eating a few can mean lots of calories--that's why you remain overweight. So don't get fooled by your fondness of eating "fruits" that are dried, thinking that would help you lose weight. It may not.

Whole Wheat Bread: "What? Whole wheat bread? Are you kidding?" Nope, I'm dead serious. Even some so-called "100-percent pure whole wheat" bread can give you lots of calories if you eat lots of it. You may not be eating rice or white bread, but if you eat a whole large loaf of it each meal, who are you trying to fool?

I repeat, I'm not saying you take out these foods from your diet. In fact, I've been saying that you ought to eat all kinds of foods (except processed meats), not depriving yourself of anything. But just eat enough, in right, healthy proportions to hit your no-diet slim goals. Remember, even some healthy foods may be making you fat. Yes, forget about diets and just eat, but be wise as well.

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