No Diet Slim with Vital-C Plums

If you hate dieting but want to get slim, try my Vital-C Plums formula. Vital-C is non-acidic Vitamin C sodium ascorbate that helps a lot in weight loss. It works so simple--if your immune system works normally and healthily by infusing enough Vitamin C daily, it naturally helps your digestive system do its job well and eliminate excess fat.

Moreover, Vitamin C is known to help in fat burning. Why sodium ascorbate Vital-C? Because it is alkaline and non-acidic and suits mega dosage. It uses veggie capsules to ensure non-acidity. You can take more than one a day safely.

So here's the trick. Take 2 Vital-C caps 30 minutes before meals as you also eat one Optrimax Plum Delite daily. This will hasten weight loss time to about 3 months, depending on your body weight--if you take this formula seriously.

Now, when I say "no-diet slim" it doesn't mean gluttony. It doesn't mean eat-all-you-can. It means eating anything in right proportions. It's not a crash-diet or starvation-diet thing. It's eating healthily. Eat what you like--pork chops, ice cream, cake, beef steak, barbecue--you name it. But eat in right proportions--enough of this and enough of that. And always eat veggies and fruits. Eat everything!

And then daily take my Vital-C Plums formula and see the result.

To buy Vital-C and Optrimax Plums or inquiries about them, simply fill out the form on the sidebar or comment below.

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