Effective Weight Loss Jogging

Enjoying my regular jogs in the morning (I just came from one now, still dripping wet with perspiration) means I do them right. I mean, it's no good to jog when all it gives you is body pain and no happiness in it all. One cause for this is jogging in a slouching position, for instance. A lot of my jogging "classmates" here in the village have been running for years but making little to no apparent progress. One reason is that they do it the wrong way. Here are my tips for proper jogging.

Straight Back

Keep your back straight. Don't slouch even if you're exhausted. If you're too tired, take a rest. Don't punish yourself too much. No pain-no gain is not always true. My rule of thumb is, workout enough. Listen to your body. If you can't keep your back straight when jogging long enough, take a rest by walking. Then resume. A straight back and relaxed shoulders make sure your body weight is at the center of gravity.

Eyes Straight Ahead

Don't bow your head always looking at the ground. Keep eyes straight ahead to prevent dizziness. Look far ahead and to your immediate surroundings simultaneously. This will keep you safe from passing vehicles and mean local folks who mean harm (if you are in unfamiliar territory and there are thugs around, it pays to stay alert and see everything. Better yet, just remain in your own turf where you are king. That's part of proper jogging). If you have to look where you're stepping, don't tilt your head down. Just roll down your eyeballs while keeping your head up. And then resume keeping your eyes straight ahead. 

Keep Your Shoulders Free

Let your shoulders sway a bit naturally (relaxing them) as you keep both hands just under your chest. That gently twists your trunk and squeezes some fats around the waist a bit. Remember to keep your balance always by being aware of your center of gravity. That's proper jogging.

Touch Your Tummy

Press slightly on your tummy now and then. If the muscles there are contracting, you're doing good. Your galloping action plus slight sway of the shoulders make the tummy muscle contractions. Oh, and yes...


Don't drag your feet. Hop a bit or gallop gently like a horse, with both feet in the air in that split-second you take a step. Your legs should be like springs lifting you up a bit each step. Then land on your heel. The toes launch you to your hopping actions. Thus, it's advisable to wear running shoes that bends with your foot and ankle actions and light, soft but firm on the rubber soles. Don't use basketball rubber shoes for running.

Often, early mornings, while on my bed near the window, I hear a jogger making too loud a noise with his steps. First, he drags his feet. Second, he uses basketball shoes. You'd be missing the real fun in a jog if you do that. I jog quietly, no sound coming from my steps, and that makes sure I'm lifting my body each step and my legs get fully worked out by lifting my body weight. That's lesser stress and friction in the joints, too--and lesser shock on the brain. 

If you live near the beach, it's better to jog barefooted. Just watch out for the sharp shells.

Yeah, you can slim down without dieting, but you can slim down faster with workouts, like jogging and running. If no diet slim is possible, what more if you diet and workout? For more on jogging to lose weight, fill out the Contact Form.

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