10 Things You Should Know about Metabolism for Weight Loss

Body metabolism is how soon your body uses up and burns body fat, particularly how fast or how slow. Did you know that metabolism is among things that mostly affect weight loss? And it can either ruin or aid your weight loss efforts tremendously. This is why you need to see how body metabolism can work in your favor as you do your no diet slim. Here are some of them:

1. Calorie Burning with Men. If you're male, you probably have 50 points bonus in your weight loss efforts. Males tend to have more active and faster metabolism than women, and most times men burn calories even while at rest. It sounds unfair for women, but that's how it goes. Generally, men and women start having slow metabolism past the age of 40. At this age, you need to find ways to speed up your gradually slowing metabolism.

2. Active Metabolic Rate at Rest. If you want your metabolism to keep burning calories even while you're at rest, build more lean muscles. Just think of this: per pound of muscles, you need 6 calories a day to sustain it. If you have more fat, a pound of fat only burns 2 calories per day for sustenance. Now, imagine what happens if you workout and you have more lean muscles. That's triple-effective weight loss!

3. Water for Metabolism. More water can mean faster metabolism. Adults who daily consume 8 or more glasses of water tend to have more hard working metabolism for weight loss. So make it a habit to drink a glass of water before meals or snacks. But also remember that too much water can also lessen sodium in your body, which is also unhealthy. Furthermore, your water intake should be equal to your physical activities during the day. I suggest you put a little salt in your water and keep active as you drink water--or else, match your water intake with your daily physical activities.

4. Short Bursts of Intense Aero. Aero is best for triggering your metabolic system. Jog or run daily and do short bursts of intense running, or any aero workout for that matter. It increases metabolism and makes it work even while we are resting. But running and other similar activities should first be consulted with your heart doctor.

5. Try Some Caffeine. Try some safe sources of caffeine like natural green tea and pu erh tea. Coffee with natural health extracts like purple corn or mangosteen are also helpful, but only in controlled amounts. Caffeine can boost metabolism, and so can taurine. Don't try them, though, with overweight kids. 

6. Eat More Small Meals. Metabolism experts say it's better to eat more small healthy meals, like one each 3 hours, than eat big meals 3 times a day. Big meals 3 times a day tend to slow down metabolism in between, say experts. So, healthy snacks are also good because they tend to make you eat less during meal times. Just make sure the meals are "small."

7. Add Natural Spices. Natural spices can boost your metabolism, especially when eaten on a regular basis. Red or green chili pepper is good, and so are onions and garlic. I know what you're thinking--more veggie pizzas, right? If you can come up with a pizza without using white, refined flour, why not. Try almond flour. And then put in lots of natural, plant-base spices. I saw somewhere that natural hot spices can do wonders for your metabolism. 

8. Now and then, Proteins Rather than Carbs. Now and then replace carbs with lean protein. Digesting proteins burns more calories. Eat more eggs, lean meat, fish, and tofu. But, of course, eat balanced. Eat everything in right proportions. I still prefer a no-diet slimming method. 

9. Black Coffee. As I have said, coffee--especially black coffee--increases your metabolic rate. You can have small sips as you workout or when you're trying to relax. But do it moderately. We do not want caffeine overload. A regular mug each morning is good. You may try it with a little butter, small amount of virgin coconut oil, and milkfat based cream for your bulletproof coffee. 

10. No to Crash Diets. Crash diets can give only temporary effects, but they ruin weight loss in the long run. No Diet Slim always supports balanced diets. Eat everything in right amounts. You may try intermittent fasting and one-meal-a-day (OMAD) for a limited period. These two are different from crash diets because of duration. Crash diets radically minimizes food intake right now. Intermittent fasting and OMAD are done gradually, and only for a time. When you get your ideal weight and body form you resume your regular meals, but with lesser carbs and more protein. 

Exercise Alone Won't Do

Physical exercises alone will not do especially for people with slow metabolism. It's got to be joint physical workouts and food discipline. Strict diets plus aero exercises (which a lot of people think will solve their weight problems, tummy fats and visceral fats) will not also work. It's got to be a keto diet, vegetables, and weight training with aero. Weight training is very crucial because it builds lean muscles which are important for burning body fat. Nope, we don't want bulk muscles. We want lean muscles which can be developed through lifting medium weights, isometrics and aerobics. 

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