Excess Protein in Your Body Makes You Fat

Everything in moderation, that's the smart principle to follow in anything you do, especially weight loss. And this is especially so when consuming protein. Yeah, I know, protein-rich diets can do wonders for weight loss because they promote lean muscle build up in you, and lean muscles burn fat. Nonetheless, be careful about having too much. It makes you fat eventually.

Make sure you use your protein supply to build up lean muscles. Don't devour lots of protein-rich foods and then think that'll automatically build your muscles and make you lose weight without working out. Nothing is farther from truth. You should work up that protein stockpile to be useful to your muscle development and weight loss. So, careful with those protein shakes they make you substitute for real meals.

But don't worry. You don't have to punish yourself with heavy weights too burdensome for you to work up your muscles. Just use weights heavy enough to create resistance against your muscles and do high repetitions rather than lift heavy loads. High repetitions define muscles, and that's what you need to lose weight and keep yourself trim and fit. Develop lean muscles that burn fats continuously even if you're not working out.

You find that hard work? And you thought that protein consumption alone would do the trick? Anything beneficial requires hard work. In fact, even some bad things need hard work. You need to work hard to be able to afford costly junk foods these days, for instance. Well, health benefits not just require hard work, it also entails some expenses. It's an investment, really. And the best kind. And you cannot just opt for one part of the whole. You need the entire stuff.

Here's what I mean. Lots of people think consuming protein alone can make them fit and trim. They think they can pass on the health supplements and workouts parts. You can't do one without the rest. It's a package--that is, if you want to be serious with health and get good and lasting results. However, with weight loss, there are some products that do not need diets and exercise as far as slimming down is concerned.

Vital-C sodium ascorbate with OpTRIMax Plum Delite is an example. You don't have to diet or exercise just to slim down. Just eat a plum a day and take Vital-C sodium ascorbate and you'd lose weight in weeks or days. (To know the effective dosage, ask through the Contact Form). But of course, that's just the slimming down aspect. If you want to be healthy overall, you should also eat balanced and workout regularly. No Diet Slim blog supports balanced meals. Remember, too much protein may make you fatter in the end--and some experts even say that protein overload doesn't always mean muscle build up.

Yeah, you can forget about diets with Vital-C sodium ascorbate and OpTRIMax plums when trying to lose weight, but being slim per se doesn't mean good health. You should eat right, exercise daily, and visit your doctor regularly for check ups and consultation. To buy Vital-C and OpTRIMax plums now, see the blog sidebar images.

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