Immune Health and Your Digestive System

You probably do not know [not many people do] that the immune system and your digestive system are closely connected. Thus, with weak digestion comes weak immune system. I didn't know that either until I attended a product seminar of Vital-C and BWL.

If you want to be healthy and out of diseases, you have to take good care of your digestive system, particularly your colon. And this means, first and foremost, a detoxified colon amply supplied with good bacteria. Definitely, gastrointestinal disorders, stomach acidity, and constipation are a no-no here. And mostly, the secret here is regular and productive bowel movement.

Two to Three Times a Day Bowel Movement

Two to three times a day bowel movement is both a remedy and a gauge for your immune health and your digestive system wellness. If you don't have it, it may be an indication of an immune problem developing somewhere in the system. Remedy that and make it a regular bowel movement, then your immune system improves.

Regular and productive bowel movement says it all--healthy microflora, healthy supply of good bacteria, unclogged and detoxified colon, and an alkaline digestive environment. All these are due to a regular and productive bowel movement. With the elimination of an acidic digestive system, immune health is assured. That's the vital link between immune health and your digestive system. An acidic tummy harbors all kinds of diseases and ailments because it weakens your immune system.

Furthermore, a defective or weakened colon means poor absorption of food nutrients by the body. With poor nutrient absorption, how can your immune system be fed with the needed vitamins and minerals and antioxidants? Instead, due to a clogged colon and digestive system [especially due to poor bowel movement], rotting food stay in your tummy and produce toxins and poisons there overtime with a deadly kind of fermentation that later on leaks through the colon and mixes with the blood.

Or, the toxins and poisons that gather in the clogged colon are spilled out or secreted into other organs and infect the same--like infection of the liver or kidneys. How can your immune system be well with that?

Hence, health [or death] begins in the colon because immune health and your digestive system are linked closely in this sense. And here, OpTRIMax Plum Delite helps a lot. These delicious plums promote good colon health, digestion, and fight against constipation. It is powerful for productive bowel movement minus the dehydration. To buy OpTRIMax plums and Vital-C products, see the blog sidebar.

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