10 Easy and Effective No-Diet Slim Secrets that Won't Cost You an Extra Dime

What would cost you to do these 10 secrets is discipline and patience, not money. This is a collection of slimming techniques I gathered from fitness instructors I have come across and which I myself am doing and proving to be very effective.

1. Detox with water. At 5 or 6 in the morning daily, drink 3 regular glasses of pure water--better if alkaline--on an empty stomach. Detox is very important for a real and effective no-diet slim program. To most people, weight loss won't happen as long as their body systems are clogged. Constipation is number one enemy of weight loss.

2. Drink water a lot. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily distributed evenly through the day. This is aside from the 3 glasses of water first thing in the morning. Plenty of water serves:
  • To fill your tummy so you won't feel hungry in between meals. Also, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.
  • To help your digestive system do its work properly, giving you natural fat and toxin elimination.
  • To prevent constipation which is so pro-weight-gain.
3. Drink water an hour after meals. Never drink water during or right after meals. This will defeat the purpose of your digestive enzymes and encourage excess fat storage, even collect deadly toxins in your system.

4. Practice deep breathing. Early morning, before your 3 glasses first thing, sit down and relax as you slowly breathe deeply. Do this 40 times in the morning, inhaling and exhaling with your tummy, your chest and shoulders relaxed. Then do it during your workouts and through the day, taking short deep-breathing breaks. Increased oxygen intake burns fat and ups your metabolism even several hours after you exercise. It also fights stress.

5. Deep breathe after each exercise set. Do your regular exercises. But this time, deep breathe 10 cycles after each exercise set. For instance, after 20 push-ups, rest a while and deep-breathe slowly for 10 cycles (10 inhales and 10 exhales).

6. Do brisk walks regularly. The ideal is brisk walking for 45 minutes a day. But here's the secret--tighten your tummy inward as you brisk walk and slightly twist your body as you walk. If your tummy gets tired, release the muscle tension for 10 seconds (and breathe deeply) and then resume tightening your tummy. 

7. Just eat. Don't do any strict or rigid diet. But eat everything in healthy proportion. Use your common sense. Eat more veggies and fruit (eat them first before anything else), and then go easy on meats and fat. What I do is eat 2 or 3 small cubes of meat (about 1 by 1 inch) 2 times a week. Sometimes, I eat no meat at all in a week. Eat just enough fish. Tofu is good for you. It's a fat burner.

8. Eat and sleep on time. Not eating and sleeping on time adds a lot to weight gain. It destroys your natural digestive body clock, and that gets more fat stored up especially around your belly.

9. Always drink fresh fruit juices with zero sugar. And I mean fresh fruit juice. Detox helps a lot in recovering the natural cycles of your body systems, getting rid of the dangerous clogs, and putting you back to the normal functions of your body. When your body systems function normally, your body also naturally gets rid of excess fats, automatically keeping you fit and trim in all places.

10. Rest and Relax. Avoid unnecessary stress as much as possible. Get 8 hours of sleep daily and rest or take naps whenever your body needs it. Be happy all the time and don't let problems affect your health. What I always do is pray.

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