Is Your Body Weight-Loss Resistant?

It's really a good question--is your body weight-loss resistant? It sometimes gets to a point when no workout, diet, or supplement seems to work for you and you just get stuck to a certain excessive weight. It may mean your body has become weight-loss resistant. Nothing would work for you unless...

What's Weight Loss Resistance?

Weight loss resistance is often due to toxins in the body. You're too full of toxins that your body systems have stopped performing normally (especially affecting fat burning) and clogging starts occurring and fat starts storing in excess, especially around the waist. A body loaded with toxins can do that--lessen metabolism and disrupt the natural detox functions of relevant organs so that your body fails to burn fats naturally.

With good health, your body systems perform as they should and your metabolism naturally burns fats, balancing your fat storage. You gain nothing in excess naturally, everything gets balanced, even without no diets, workouts, or supplements. What more if you do workouts and supplements? The faster you become fit, trim, and slim.

This is where the weight loss wisdom of Carolyn Hansen comes in. She has devised a way to fight weight loss resistance and break its developing cycle in your body. You will learn a lot of weight loss myths on her website that will free you from the burdensome traditional workouts that archaic weight loss instructors have been spreading around.

If you want to visit her website, just say so using the Contact Us form on the sidebar.

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