Beware of Weight Loss Products with Nothing but Protein

Weight loss without good health? Is this possible? A lot of weight-conscious people today just take anything that gives them effective weight loss. And products like this are apt to contain nothing more than protein, especially animal protein. Protein may help you burn fat more but remember, protein isn't all your body needs. The whole point in wanting to lose weight is to get good health, not just good figure. So beware of weight loss products with nothing but protein.

What if all you get from a supplement is protein for weight loss? There is debate about the safeness of taking too much protein into your system, and particularly what it does to your kidneys. But what is certain is that anyone with renal problems can get more serious harms from too much protein in the diet. The problem here is, few people know if they have renal problems or not. And you--have you checked your blood chem lately to see if you have the problem?

Most people are not particular about regular blood chem tests. If they have renal problems, they often aren't aware of it and often discover it too late. Imagine if you keep on a daily high-protein supplement for weight loss and then find out later you have renal problems that developed quietly into serious kidney problems. It was because while debate on the safeness of too much protein in the diet was going on, you risked continuing consuming more proteins to slim down and build muscles, thinking it was safe.

Always take precautions on health issues that aren't established yet. And the best way is to maintain healthy, natural and balanced nutrition, not just daily protein intake, 3 times a day. Experts agree that too much protein put more pressure on the kidneys, and overworked kidneys is more susceptible to wear and tear. We should be careful about developing proteinuria which is due to damaged glomeruli (or the filters of the kidneys) when blood proteins leak into the urine. It isn't established yet if high-protein diet actually does this, but over-stressed kidneys can easily catch any potential harm.

By the way, the online Harvard University Gazette reported in March 2003 that high-protein diets "may be associated with kidney function decline in women" who have weak kidneys. The research was done by Brigham and Womens' Hospital researchers. With today's unhealthy food and lifestyle fads that always end up harming the kidneys (processed meats, high-sugar food and drinks, alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, etc.), it's not hard to imagine how many men and women have weak, if not defective, kidneys without knowing it. And then they take high-protein food or supplements to trim down and build muscles.

Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C, on the other hand, promotes healthy kidney function, liver, lungs, and heart, aside from helping you lose weight safely. You can take more than one capsule--in fact 2 to 3 capsules before meals for weight loss--because it is non-acidic and purely alkaline, as proven in a test by Dr. Jose M. Oclarit, among most outstanding medical scientists in the Philippines.

Moreover, you can partner Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C with our Vital Nutrient to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

You cannot overdose with non acidic Vitamin C, especially Vital C--it is water soluble and easily eliminated through the urine. Meaning, a urine test won't find any trace of it. Some proteins, on the other hand, are not water soluble. Another thing--the body produces protein in the cells through DNA molecular codes that assemble amino acids. Whereas, the body does not produce Vitamin C and does not store it as well. Thus, there's no danger of non-acidic Vitamin C overdose, or accumulating it in the body that will harm our internal organs.

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