Spirit is Willing But the Flesh is Weak: How to Strengthen the Flesh

When Jesus' disciples were too sleepy to pray for an hour, Jesus told them the problem--the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. In one sense (from a spiritual point of view), to empower your spirit you have to starve your flesh. Weak flesh cannot get in the way of an obedient spirit. For instance, you have to stop feeding the cravings of your flesh so your spirit can assert itself, do God's will, and control the flesh.

But in another sense, weak physical flesh can also get in the way of what the spirit wants to achieve for God. And in Jesus' and the disciples' case then, it was a body unable to pray due to physical exhaustion. In this sense then, a weak flesh hampering the spirit. So we have to empower the flesh or the body, which means empowering health, not fleshly cravings.

Here is where workouts, nutrition, and supplements come in. We have to take care of our bodies so our bodies can obey God.

Obesity or being overweight can make you feel tired easily. Obesity can be a big hindrance to doing God's will. Sometimes, it can even make you lazy when you need to keep moving. No-diet slim can then be a tool for helping you obey God. With good health and the right weight, you can pray more--you can worship God more and meditate the Word of God longer without feeling exhausted at once.

Another issue here is money. In a sense, money can be part of the term "flesh." Without money, your flesh is weak to obey God. Even Jesus needed money to obey God's will. Nothing is bad about money--it's the love for money that is a root of all evil, says the bible. And in a practical sense, you need money for health because you need to buy fitness equipment, healthy food, and the right health supplements.

No Diet Slim wants to help you solve problems like the above so your spirit can be willing to do God's plan for your life without your weak flesh getting in the way. We present you easy ways to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight, keep healthy, and also find ways to make money to support both ideals through life.

We feature different health products here, but most especially Vital-C Health Products and the Vital-C business which I believe is the best way to earn money legitimately, stably, and effectively. I find the Vital-C business a very fast and practical way to make money online and offline, beginning with direct selling and eventually network marketing.

So, join me keep people healthy and fit while earning considerable money on the side.

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