5 Stomach Flattening Foods to Eat

Aside from regular exercise, make sure you eat these foods regularly to keep trim and fit. Anyway, with enough imagination you can prepare something delicious out of them. So here are 5 stomach flattening foods to eat.

Yogurt. Make sure you take simple yogurt--no sugar, artificial flavors, or even added "fresh" fruits. The "fresh" fruits are sure to have preservatives. So just take plain yogurt. Admittedly, it's too sour. So add in your real fresh fruits yourself to make sure your have zero preservatives. Add in slices of bananas. My favorite.

Cruciferous Veggies. Eat more cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower etc., which are all rich in dietary fibers and are known fat burners, especially belly fat. These veggies are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals which have fat burning properties. However, I would strongly urge you to take organic cruciferous veggies. The chemical contents in inorganic veggies can destroy the natural ability of your digestive system to burn fats in the long run so that you actually store more excess fats than get rid of them.

Monounsaturated Fats. Best example here is olive oil. Another are healthy nuts like almonds, apricot kernel, and mustard.

Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV. A Japanese study suggested that something in vinegar--especially apple cider vinegar--seems to burn fat. People who got regular intake of ACV were noted to decrease weight and fat around the tummy. The study thinks that the acetic acid in vinegar (but not synthetic vinegar) stimulates the release of certain genes that release certain proteins that melt fat.

Whole Grains. Eat more corn and nuts--but not the nuts that go with your favorite ice cream or cake.

Now, as you eat more of the above food suggestions, try inserting a regular dose of 2 to 3 Vital-C capsules 30 minutes before meals. That will hasten your weight loss, achieving your weight and figure goals.

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