How Weight Loss by Lessening Salt Intake Happens

I and my wife enjoyed a health and wellness seminar by a medical scientist two days ago at the Vital-C training center and learned a lot of new things again, among which is weight loss by lessening salt intake. Most of us know this for a fact, but probably few of us know how it happens.

Salt is a vehicle for sugars and fats to find their way into the blood and then to the body cells. That's why diabetics are also counselled to take less salty food so that less sugar would end up in their blood. If you have less salt in your food, most food you eat go straight through your body and then out, without being absorbed--including your sugar and fat.

So, you want to lose weight faster? Just take minimal salt so that most fats in your food don't get absorbed. That works well for a no-diet slim--just eat what you need, making sure there's less salt. Better yet, if you eat fatty food, try to get rid of salt. And take some salt when you eat fresh nutritious vegetables--to hasten their absorption.

As food is digested in the small intestine, salt gets absorbed into the blood stream. As it does, it takes with it sugars and fats and then on to the different parts of the body. Thus, if you don't eat sweet or fatty food with salt, you get less chances of absorbing them into your body.

However, fatty food is best eaten with salt, making it more delicious. That's how you gain weight, though.

No wonder food in hospitals often taste bland. The less salt the better for your health. But some people have their appetites ruined that way, so they eat less nutritious food when sick in the hospital. They should learn to eat well without salt.

Be careful, though, that you don't get rid of salt totally from your diet. Our bodies need enough salt to balance things and keep us healthy. So, always consult with your doctor about it--especially doing weight loss by lessening salt intake.

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