Beware of Disguised Sugar
Sugar in Any Other Name is Still Deadly Sugar

Always go for natural sweeteners like natural honey or plant-base stevia. In worse case scenarios, go for muscovado brown sugar made straight from sugarcane juice. Better yet, learn to enjoy drinks without any sugar. Some folks say having no sugar in your body is bad. But the rice, bread, and other food you eat turn into sugar in your body anyway, so a sugar-free life isn't bad at all.

Anyway, beware of disguised sugar. Lots of products today don't use the word "sugar" outright anymore. They use other terms to probably hide the fact from health-conscious consumers. But it's easy to spot the sugars just the same. Just watch out for the OSE suffix.

For instance, you'd often see the terms glucose, maltose, fructose, or sucrose among ingredients on product labels. Many folks especially feel safe with the term "fructose," thinking that a sweetener coming from "fruits" is healthy. It should be. But not really. Remember, most fruits today are bombarded with chemicals. And especially beware if you see the ingredient "high fructose corn syrup."

Health and nutrition experts say high fructose corn syrup is the worst artificial sugar in food products out in the market today. It's among the top causes of obesity and diabetes. And the term is doubly confusing when people think that a sweetener that comes from fruits and corn must be very healthy. And add to that another harmful ingredient in most artificial drinks today, especially low-calorie drinks--aspartame.

Mercola.Com came out with an article on the insufficient clinical test done on aspartame and claims that this artificial sweetener could cause tumors and seizures in humans as it does in animals. Natural News.Com also did an article on the possible harms of aspartame on human health, especially where brain health is concerned, particularly in infants and children. In fact, some countries ban the use of aspartame. It isn't tame for you health after all.

It also mentioned of aspartame's effect on weight gain. Though products using it claim to have zero-fat or zero-calorie, eventually you gain weight because aspartame produces added acid in our bodies, consequently creating more fat cells to store up the extra acid, making us put on more weight.

Thus, aside from being harmful to health, aspartame will only make you fatter in the end, defeating your weight loss efforts.

If I were you, I'd just learn how to live without sugar or, if you really need something to sweeten something, just use natural wild honey or stevia. Don't buy anything that has the OSE sweetening suffix or aspartame. By the way, Vital-C has a delicious coffee that uses only stevia for sweetening.

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