What to Eat When Too Stressed

Quick Chow to Help You Cope with Stress

People tend to either eat a lot or eat too little when too stresses out. It's during times of difficulties that you need to know what to eat when too stressed--like when a loved one is very sick (in the ICU) or has died, or your pregnant wife is about to deliver, or during a catastrophe or emergency. Often, in times like this, we lose appetite.

But understand that it's in these times that we need more good nutrition. So, we should eat more. Forget about diets--just eat. We don't need to eat a lot, but we need nutritious food. The more we will be able to cope well and think accurately and decide correctly if we load up with nutritious food, feeding our brains and bodies with nutrients for coping up well.

So, what to eat when too stressed? Opt for nutritious food easy to eat. Try boiled eggs (real eggs, that is), lettuce, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh milk, (real) tuna sandwich, or any dish with fish and fresh veggies. Fish with omega-3 fatty acids can help your cardiovascular system remain calm.

Go slow on carbohydrates because too much of it doesn't help mind alertness, though you need some for energy. During tight situations, you need to be active and do physical activities, like run here and there or carry heavy things. Do take plenty of plant-base proteins, like tofu, soy milk, or string beans.

What I love eating when stressed is white cheese in bread. I love white cheese made from goat's milk and brown wheat bread. You have enough carbo with that and good source of protein. But you cannot have them ready all the time, especially in times of emergencies.

Readily available nutritious food are soy bean curd (or taho with brown sugar syrup) which you can buy from taho vendors almost anywhere and anytime in Manila, boiled eggs, fresh milk in packs, and perhaps real tuna sandwich with green veggies. These are what to eat when too stressed and you don't feel like eating anything.

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