Eating Wrong Eggs and Your Weight Loss Goal

Protein-rich food like egg is good for your weight loss goal. However, beware of "fake eggs." Fake eggs? Yup, there are fake eggs on the lose and they're often served in restaurants and sold in groceries and stores. Some call it "commercial eggs." They are heavy on obesity additives, say some health experts. Just look at these--chemicals, artificial stuff, preservatives, and what others call "gluten-like fillers and compounds." They make eggs like this for the money.

Now, you eat eggs like this, thinking protein can add lean muscles in you and aid your weight loss goal, but then it turns out they not only make you gain more weight, they add toxins into your system as well. And you thought all along that the eggs you eat are gluten-free.

So ask for real eggs.

But what are "real eggs"? Where do you buy them?

Real eggs are those that came out of real hens, hens that feed on natural hen food. No artificial feeds loaded with synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and synthetic this and that. According to a USDA nutrient data that was shared on Food Renegade, real eggs have this in them:
  • Less cholesterol
  • Less saturated fat
  • More vitamin A
  • More Omega-3 fatty acids
  • More Vitamin E
  • More beta carotene
  • More Vitamin D
The good cholesterol in them make you fit and calm, with your cells and organs repaired. False eggs all have bad cholesterol, adding excess weight in you and making you moody.

Where to buy real eggs? In the Philippines, we call it "native eggs." These are the smaller ones with a light shade of brown. They come from native hens that feed on nothing but natural food. So, the best sources are farms in rural areas where they harvest real native eggs. Or, why don't you raise a few dozens of native hens and harvest their eggs yourself--to make sure you and your family get real eggs?

Well, if you think it's impossible for you to always get real eggs--and have no choice but to eat false eggs now and then--at least take natural health supplements to counter the ill effects. Take Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C regularly, for instance. It's good for empowering your immune defense and detoxifying your body systems, aside from helping you lose weight.

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