How Stress and Big Meals Make You Fat

Stress is the number one contributor of free radicals in your life. Free radicals make you gravely sick. And worse, stress makes you fat and free radicals disrupt your healthy digestion especially of fat. And you know what's among very stressing activity you can do? Eating big meals.

First, you eat fast. Many people eat fast these days due to their hectic work schedules. That not only causes stress, it often makes you eat big meals. The remedy is to eat relaxed and slowly, and more than that, to learn how to live a relaxed life. The less stress the more weight loss. So start with relaxed eating.

The culprit here is what experts call cortisol levels. It's a  hormone produced by the body the moment chronic stress is detected. So, when your life is always accompanied by stress--and in long periods--you get chronic stress. Once your body detects this, it produces lots of cortisol. That makes you fat, especially around the belly.

Big, delicious meals are appetizing and mouth-watering. You feel good and your fondness for food is gratified. However, as we fill our stomach with foods more than it can handle, we aren't aware of the terrible digestive stress it produces. The cortisol produced there increases belly flab.

So learn to eat small meals during the day. One advice from fitness experts is to eat 5 small meals a day. Another suggests eating small meals every 3 hours. In fact, this was what the New England Journal of Medicine said when it shared about a study on folks who ate small meals every 3 hours. It lessened their cortisol levels by 17 percent. Accordingly, this 17 percent decrease happened in only 2 weeks or 14 days.

You want to slim down that fast?

How "small" should the meals be? I would suggest cutting your regular meal size to a fourth. If you eat one cup rice, take out 3/4 of it. If you eat 4 small slices or chunks of meat, eat only one each meal. With vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fibers, eat all you want. Don't worry about starving, anyway you get to eat 5 times a day. So that's still no-diet slim. The idea here is to avoid stressing up your body when eating to prevent cortisol buildup.

And of course, don't forget your Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C (take 2 to 3 caps before meals) plus your once-a-night OPtrimax Plum Delite.

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