Get Active, Rest Well

A lot of folks wonder about why I often advice getting active and resting well on No-Diet Slim. They think they're conflicting ideas. But truth is, you need to get active and rest well to lose weight. Here's why:

Get Active. Aside from your regular 30- to 45-minute workouts, you need to get active the whole day. Nope, you don't workout all day everyday. I mean, you need to get active all day. In short, don't just sit there all day in your office or in your couch. Move around. Find something physical to do now and then--walk around, climb up stairs, go out and hike a bit, lift something up, bend, stretch, etc.

Stand up from your desktop and do 15 to 20 squats every 2 hours. Or do 10-push-up breaks with your coffee breaks. Getting active like this works well for weight loss.

Rest Well. First off, get enough sleep daily--7 to 8 hours. Sleep on time (about 9 pm) and wake up early (about 6 am). Anytime you feel like you need to rest, rest. Some people think it's a sin to do so. You have to listen well to your body's needs. If you feel like sitting down a while and resting your body and mind, do so.

Most of all, take afternoon naps. But don't sleep for long hours in the afternoon--except if you terribly lacked sleep the night before and you need to sleep more. But under normal conditions, just take a 15-minute nap in the afternoon about 1 hour after lunch. It powerfully refreshes your mind and body to do more work with renewed vigor.

Remember that sleep, especially at night, enables your body to do repairs. Without the repair, your stress level goes up and that defeats whatever weight loss efforts you are doing. Stress can terribly increase your tendency to gain weight. On the other hand, getting active  during the day also decreases stress and ups your body metabolism.

However, also remember that too much of everything can become poison.

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