Vitamin C for No-Diet-Slim Flat Tummy

Again, we emphasize the role of Vitamin C for no-diet-slim flat tummy. The site AZ Central mentioned a EurekAlert report on how low Vitamin C levels can actually increase weight and waist size. Vitamin C helps you get an active metabolism that burns fat naturally. But this vitamin is grossly ignored so that most people have poor amounts of it in their bodies, and thus the obesity epidemic.

I've mentioned somewhere on this blog how our bodies direly lack natural Vitamin C because of our body immune requirements. We have 3 stages of immune lack--past, present, and future. Our bodies, while still dealing with immune compromise due to past health problems, will have to deal with present ones and prepare for future health harms. One capsule of Vitamin C a day won't suffice.

Add to that your body's need to burn fat and calories where Vitamin C plays a major role. No wonder many today are obese. They take one capsule of Vitamin C (if any) and half of that is bonding material if you take synthetic Vitamin C pill. The bonding material of the pill or the animal-base capsule adds to the acidity and all  you get is an acidic body system that stores more fats than burns them.

Vitamin C helps your body burn stored fat, especially in the tummy area. Without enough of it, your body keeps storing fat without using it. Even if you kill yourself with punishing workouts and diets, your body will perspire much but remain storing unused fat. Sounds familiar? Is this what's happening to you?

But you need to take non-acidic Vitamin C, like Vital-C, so you can take enough. Synthetic Vitamin C lets you take only one capsule a day, and mostly acidic at that due to their bonding material (in pill form) or animal-base capsule. Vital-C has nothing of that. It's pure Vitamin C in sodium ascorbate form. It's not sodium chloride (which is bad for your renal and kidney health and blood pressure) but sodium ascorbate.

So, remember, you need enough non-acidic Vitamin C to lose weight.

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