Vitamin C and Exercise--Sure Weight Loss Strategy Say Clinical Tests

Vitamin C and exercise--sure weight loss strategy for your health and trim and fit figure. It's so simple, isn't it? And it's backed by clinical studies. Nutritionist Carol Johnston did a test on people for stamina and fat burning with Vitamin C. First, she placed them on a low Vitamin C diet for a month and had them perform the treadmill after for an hour. The result--low fat burning capacity.

Then she put them on a 500 mg Vitamin C supplement daily for a month and had them do the treadmill also for an hour. Result--significant fat burning capacity.

Johnston also pointed to an actual study of two groups of people. The first group was given a placebo and the second group a certain dose of Vitamin C each day. After 6 weeks, the first group lost only less than a kilogram of body weight while the second lost 2.5 kilograms.

Why this? It's due to the fact published by NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV (titled "Strategies for healthy weight loss: from vitamin C to the glycemic response") that taking enough Vitamin C each day burns or "(oxidizes) 30 percent more fat during moderate exercise" than if you lack it. Worse, habitual lack of Vitamin C may result to being "more resistant to fat mass loss." Meaning, if you let your body constantly suffer Vitamin C lack, you may develop the stubborn body fat syndrome--no matter what diet and exercise you do, you just remain fat.

Well, you can reverse that now with this clinical finding--Vitamin C and exercise--sure weight loss strategy.

Another of Johnston's original findings is published on the site Nutrition and Metabolism. There it says low Vitamin C intake resulted to low fat burning during light exercises. To prove this, she stated how she did a preliminary trial to see how it all works.

Imagine--all you need is to take a Vitamin C supplement daily and do light exercise like jogging-in-place, brisk walking, or jog outdoors for an hour (well, you can stop in between for rests, of course). To be doubly safe, consult about this with your medical doctor before doing it.

Now, don't just take any Vitamin C supplement. Make sure you take a non-acidic Vitamin C supplement like Vital-C. A lot of C supplements out there are acidic--doing more damage eventually than solution. Some contain one-half binding material (does not dissolve in water) which can accumulate in your kidney and give you problems later. You see, C supplements like that only turn your body acidic, and that attracts more free radicals, diseases, and encourages cancer cell growth. Even a lot of sodium ascorbates are acidic because they're in animal-base capsules--shiny capsules that make the supplement look better.

Vital C sodium ascorbate is in plant-base capsules so you can be sure of its alkalinity. It's non-acidic Vitamin C.

Look, one capsule of Vital C costs only P8. Take it 3 times a day with treadmill or jogging, that costs you only P24 a day. It's among few cheapest weight loss strategies. Try it. It's been proven clinically by nutritionists. For buying Vital C just contact me.

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