FREE Lectures on Medical Science and Health by Country's Top Medical Scientist

Even Medical Doctors Sit in His Lectures for Advanced Studies

Yup, even medical doctors attend his lectures for medical practitioners. Dr. Jose M. Oclarit has been conducting basic medical and health lectures at the Vital-C Training Center on the ground floor of BSA Twin Towers at the back of SM Mega Mall each month. It's among new exciting changes happening at Vital-C.

Last week, Dr. Oclarit touched on the pancreas and its vital role in digesting fats and lipids and sugar. He also touched on the workings of type 2 diabetes and how high sugar count in the blood can wreck the pancreatic functions. Best of all, he touched on how Vital-C can help thwart a high sugar count, aid insulin to be used by cells in burning sugar for energy especially in type 2 diabetics, and gave tips on how Vital C can be used for anti-obesity.

Obesity is a key factor in contracting diabetes. Fats get in the way of sugar gaining entry into the cells of the body for burning. Our body cells need to burn sugar for energy. But cell receptors through which sugars gain entry into cells are sometimes blocked by fat plaques. The insulin is there roaming in your blood stream but cannot go inside cells for burning. So you have type 2 diabetes.

Vital C can remedy this by lessening your body fat and cleansing and detoxifying your internal body system, cells included. Being an antioxidant, non acidic Vitamin C like Vital C also fights clogging and blockage. It does its work on the molecular level. In addition, Vital Digest have enzymes that can cleanse clogs out of cell receptors. If you're a type 2 diabetic, taking Vital C health products will help.

If you want to attend Dr. Oclarit's free lectures at the training center, just contact me here for a schedule. First come first serve.

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