What to Eat Before Bed to Lose Weight

To lose weight, eat these foods two hours before bed time. They're proteins slow to digest, giving you a constant flow of amino acids through the night to help your body recover from exercise and exhaustion, do needed repairs and calorie burning through the lean muscles they produce. You lose weight as you sleep. Here's what to eat before bed to lose weight.

1. Eat what they call "white meat" animal protein. Do away with red meat or fish. Instead, eat chicken breast (or other parts minus the fat and skin--and definitely not the neck or wings) and turkey. They tend to have insulin released slowly and promote the hormone glucagon for processing stored fat and carbs, readying them for burning as energy. Red meat and fish at night tend to increase insulin release, making you hungry again in no time and seek for food.

2. Eat cottage cheese. It's slow digesting and somewhat coats the stomach for longer absorption. Being a protein, it also triggers glucagon activity. But please, no flavored cottage cheese, and especially make sure there's no sugar added.

3. Green Veggies. They're high in dietary fibers and easily fills your tummy. Especially eat green leafy veggies at night because they pull stored idle food remains (plus toxins and fats) from your tummy and take these things with them when you eliminate waste in the morning. And yes, green leafy promotes easy bowel movement so that you feel lighter and get rid of clogging in your stomach which adds to weight gain and excess fat storage.

4. Low-Carb Protein Shakes. Get a slow-digesting, low-carb protein shake before bed--like a tasty liquid dessert. Put in some almond butter for healthy fats. That's a delicious way to end your day. For tasty low-carb, slow-digesting protein shakes, just contact me through the Contact Form on the sidebar.

Now, always remember this rule of thumb: carbohydrates right before bed is a definite no-no. They're definitely not what to eat before bed to lose weight. So, decrease your rice intake, and if possible, just eat corn or zero-sweet root crops like gabe. No to white bread, too.

Carbo intake at night increases insulin release which halts fat-burning and increases fat storage--because n late evenings our metabolism tends to slow down. But slow-digesting proteins can counter that, says fitness experts.

And then, always take your non-acidic Vital-C before supper to help your body burn fat.

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