VITAMIN C Info Campaign: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

Vitamin C is one of the most misunderstood vitamins in our times—though it’s the most essential or indispensable. No-Diet Slim blog feels the need to do a Vitamin C info campaign, because what you don’t know will hurt you.

Vitamin C is Always Out-Sourced

Other Vitamins are produced by the body, like Vitamin D by healthy exposure to sunlight, Vitamins K2 and B12 through healthy digestive bacteria, and Vitamin B3 through tryptophan (amino acid) conversion, to name a few. Vitamin C is not produced by the body and neither is it stored. You get it externally, often from fresh citrus fruits. What Vitamin C you get today, no matter how big the amount, will be gone in 24 hours and should be replaced tomorrow.

Here are other facts:

1. For Immune Boost. First, Vitamin C directly affects the immune system. It’s so basic—if you need an immune boost, you take Vitamin C. The immune system takes care of all disease prevention and resistance in the body. And you take no other vitamin to help your immune defenses except Vitamin C.

2. Fight Against Daily Health Assaults. Daily we are exposed to various health assaults. It happens in 5 main ways:

§  Pollutants – they come from the air, water and environment like smoke emissions from factories, vehicles, cigarettes, chemical emissions, toxic wastes, and chemicals in almost everything we touch, ingest, or inhale.

§  Food – most foods are chemically treated like vegetables and fruits, not to mention the preservatives and artificial color used on them. Fruits and vegetables lose their nutrients from mishandling, transport, and exposure to UV rays. Domesticated animals are often injected with steroids and hormones to boost their growth and their meats carry the deadly toxins to our dinner table. Junk food and beverages overloaded with salt, chemicals, sugars, or too much caffeine are consumed daily, and wrong eating often upsets digestion so that lots of food rot in the colon and create deadly problems there. We easily get carcinogens from almost everything we eat and drink.

§  Stress – this is a generation that has invented lots of unnecessary stress to win the rat race. It affects family, personal, spiritual, emotional, and social lives, among many others. Stress triggers heightened free radical activity and damage in our bodies, making our body systems dangerously acidic and potential breeding grounds for diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cancers, and auto-immune disorders, among many others.

§  Obesity – obesity often happens due to stress and lack of Vitamin C.

§  Virus and Bacteria – new disease outbreaks happen often caused by new or mutated viruses or strange bacteria. Our exposure outdoors makes us potential victims and later carriers.
All the above can be addressed by a strong immune system. God designed it to capably ward off diseases if maintained well and naturally. Problem occurs if we have weak immune system, primarily because we don’t know much about it, especially how Vitamin C boosts its power.

3. Wrong Concepts about Vitamin C

§  Often, we think a dose of Vitamin C each day is enough to fight all the above – remember, the 5 harms enumerated above happen on a daily basis. How old are you now? Imagine the years you’ve been attacked by the 5 health harms daily and these harms stay in your body. Vitamin C does not. Do you think taking one capsule of non-acidic Vitamin C a day is enough to undo the decades of harm done in your body? And that one capsule will still have to deal with new assaults attacking your health today. And how about future health attacks? You need more than one capsule a day to restore your body to good health and enable it to fight more health harms to come.

§  We think popular and advertised synthetic Vitamin C we buy at drugstores is good – synthetic Vitamin C is nothing but animal-base capsule, majority binding material, artificial color, and a small amount of Vitamin C. Animal-base capsules, artificial color, and binding material accumulated in your body will do more harm than good, often resulting to infection, UTI, or kidney or bladder stones.

§  We think energy drinks “with vitamins” is good – energy drinks are so high in sugars and caffeine that can lead to diabetes later, wreck your kidneys eventually, and probably give you unexplained shaking, nervousness, or heart palpitation.

§  We reason that eating veggies and fruits rich in Vitamin C is enough – your “fresh” fruits and veggies are often heavily treated with chemicals and have probably lost their Vitamin C and other nutrients. To get their nutritional value, we need to grow them organically and eat them raw after they’re picked from the garden.

4. We Need Enough Doses of Non-Acidic Vitamin C Daily. I take 3 to 5 capsules of Vital C (non acidic-Vitamin C) daily and 7 to 10 when I feel like getting sick. Why 3 a day? In a sense, the first capsule is for past harms on my health that still affect my body. The second capsule is for today’s harms. And the third is a buffer for tomorrow’s health attacks. If you take 5, the rest is for sudden emergencies, like extreme stress or a disease outbreak you need to be protected against.

Vital C is purely alkaline and placed in plant-base capsules to ensure zero-acidity (other popular sodium ascorbate Vitamin C brands are placed in animal-base capsules). It is made using freeze process to naturally preserve and protect the Vitamin C in it, so that what you get is pure non-acidic Vitamin C with each 500 plus grams you take, nothing wasted.

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