In Good Health But Unhealthy

Is it possible? Be “in good health” but still be unhealthy? Believe me, there are lots of folks like this. They’re too particular about their blood chem levels—if they have normal blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, potassium, sodium, normal this and that, etc.—which is good. But doing it too much makes them end up unhealthy.

What they do is avoid a lot of food, period--and almost eat nothing except water and some tasteless light soup. Well, that may give them lower blood chem results and probably make them lose weight. And the doctor may pronounce them “healthy” with that for some time. Problem is, they become too weak later and easily susceptible to infection, easily catching cold and fever.

You can have your blood chem all normal and still have weak immune system if you don’t eat right.  The good news is, you can eat right and still normalize everything, even boost your immune defenses—and be strong enough to do some workouts, too, to get fit. That’s really being “in good health.” You just have to know what to do and what to eat.

It’s really all so simple. First off, watch your salt and fat intake. You need a little salt and fat to be in normal health. Then, avoid sugar—anyway, food turns to sugar inside your body. Make sure food you eat are prepared observing the above. Consult your doctor and nutritionist for this. Then eat everything fresh—no processed or recycled leftover food.

Well, sometimes, even with careful observance of the above, you still get too much of this and that--especially if you often eat out. This is why you need to supplement. Natural supplements like non-acidic Vitamin C greatly aid your body repair, balance things and naturally get rid of what harms your body. Maintenance medicine does not balance things in your body or get rid of harmful things. All they do is patch-up temporary repairs (and sometimes unreliably at that), often living behind harmful and toxic residues that eventually make matters worse.

If you take natural health supplements with your maintenance, you can safely eat anything in healthy amounts. Just eat. No need to starve or limit yourself to water and light soups with some veggies—most cooked veggies lose much of their nutrients anyway. You can effect a no-diet slim and normal test result without sacrificing on food quality and enjoyment. Just eat—and take the right health supplements, like Vital C which is purely alkaline and non-acidic Vitamin C.

And of course, do everything with your medical doctor’s approval.

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