No-Diet Spiritual Slim?

I've been pondering how I can write spiritual health articles on this blog so I can focus on one blog for all my writings. I have several spiritual blogs on Jesus (and living a radical life in him), but that diverts my time and spreads it too thinly on several blogs. You see, you need to concentrate on only 2 or 3 blogs to get them strong on SEO ranking. If you write articles for too many blogs, it defeats the purpose.

So, I though of converting this blog from No-Diet Slim to No-Diet Slim Plus More! The same blog URL but a new approach--I add on my radical spiritual thoughts on Christ for a no-diet spiritual slim, taking out all unnecessary and unhealthy spiritual fats, cholesterol, toxins, carcinogens and free radicals that man has added to the Jesus Way (making Christianity an unhealthy religion that kills than saves and heals), and retaining only what's purely in God's spoken Word in the bible.

Oh yes, this is part of health and fitness, too. If your spiritual life is unhealthy, you can't have genuine peace of mind. And without peace of mind you get stress and that adds up to an acidic body. No wonder many church pastors are sick with serious ailments because they lack genuine peace of mind from God that passeth all understanding. They're too stressed up with church ministry--because they're doing everything wrong--though they have mega churches.

The bible says, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and anyone who destroys God's temple, God will destroy him [1 Cor 3.17].

See? What's the use of slimming down to get healthy if God's destroying you anyway? And what's the point of all the mega churches if God's destroying you anyway?

So, I will stop writing for my spiritual blogs and put all my spiritual thoughts on Christ here on the new No-Diet Slim Plus More. And anyway, truth is, a healthy spiritual life involves no spiritual diet--forget about spiritual regimens, rituals, religions, church programs, or church denominational diets--just eat the spoken Word of God--and eat a lot! Period. Word says, "Man...lives by every Word that comes out of God's mouth." You want to live a good, healthy life? Just eat the spoken Word.

So, all my writing efforts will be concentrated on this blog, and that helps its SEO ranking. That gives me more income for the radical ministry God entrusted me with.

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