No-Diet Travels?

Being full-time now in the Vital-C business, I anticipate travels. Thus, a special portion about No-Diet Travels, a journal of my adventures in the Vital-C business. Network marketing will get you to places to meet and relate with all kinds of people. I and my wife have been into network marketing since 1996 and we decided to do this full-time now so that Godwilling, she can opt to have less loads from the school where she works as head teacher.

Teaching can be so tiring, and we both want a new meaningful career--which we found in the Vital-C business and Sun Life. We will be focusing on these two businesses--and I'd probably be assigning another menu slot here on No-Diet Slim for Sun Life Financials, which I plan to name simply "Sun-Slim Investment." Weight loss, health and fitness involves money and the best way to solve money matters is business and investments.

Anyway, I plan to visit establishments around here in our immediate community and nearby localities and schedule business presentations and demos on Vitamin C. I have prepared presentation materials and will call my campaign Vitamin C Information Campaign because I discovered that many people do not understand what the vitamin is for. After presenting a short campaign about Vitamin C, I will present Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C and its business.

Godwilling, I plan to visit schools, cooperatives, and other offices, so God help me. I have prepared my business card. My wife will do her part at Parkway Village.

And then, as we make presentations in different places (I and my wife anticipate traveling to provinces and visiting scenic spots and historical places soon, Godwilling), I will take pictures and post them here on No-Diet Travels.

I love blogging on Jesus, health and fitness, travels and places, food, restaurants, and life--hopefully, I'd find suitable slots for them here on No-Diet Slim. Fitness and weight loss is not just boring time at the gym and health store. It's about doing a business and investing for sustaining fitness expenses, traveling, and trying new healthy food recipes and discovering health restaurants. It's an adventure. It's a life lived daily.

And I invite others to join me in my No-Diet Slim (NDS) total life adventures by simply contacting me through the Contact Form on the sidebar. No-Diet Slim--It's not a routine; it's an adventure!

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