No-Diet Slim Business

5 Ways to Earn

You may join me earn big bonuses with the Vital-C health products retailing business. It's a combined direct selling and network marketing business where you simply buy Vital-C products worth P8,888 to start it. You become an authorized distributor enjoying discounts from 20 to 50 percent and you get a free computer account to monitor your sales activities.

Your company computer account reflects your binary referrals and unilevel sales. In the binary section, you get to choose where you put your referrals, either to the right or left. More on this later.

Now, back to what you get from your P8,888 product purchase. You also get promo discount vouchers you can use to get free products when you buy other products.For instance, if you buy a box of Vital-C and use one promo discount voucher saying free one or two boxes of Vital-C, you get 2 or 3 boxes in all!

For a product purchase of P8,888 (to enter the business), the actual product value you get is worth P9,965. So, if you sell all that product package, you earn P1,077. Isn't that good business?

Just share about the product. Talk to family, friends and other people about its health benefits. Soon, you'd get orders. Then regular customers. Then the regular customers will ask for discounts, and that's when you offer them the distributorship so they can avail of the hefty discounts.

Or, you can go straight to sharing them the products and the business. I recommend this more to fast-track your business. Anyway, if they don't want the product or business (or both), it's okay. You'd be surprised how many millions of people there are in your city, country, and the world. You can easily reach the world online. Believe me, you'd never run out of prospects.

Why ask them to join you in the business? For 5 reasons:

1. Referral Bonus

Why urge them to join? Because each person you refer to the business and joins entitles you to a P600 referral bonus from the company. So, if in the course of selling you finally come to a point where you refer one person per day, you earn P600 per day. And sharing the product and business to one person will not take you 8 hours. It'd take you just 15 to 20 minutes. Imagine, P600 per 20 to 30 minutes, 6 days in a week. In a week you earn P3,600 extra and P14,400 in a month. Not bad for an "extra" income.

2. One Free Box of Vital-C (100 capsules)

With each referral you make, the company also gives you one free box of Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C. A box has 100 capsules. FREE! You may use that for your health or sell it for P800. So, the referral bonus of P600 plus the cost of one box of Vital-C (if you sell it) gives you a total of  P1,400 cash bonuses for one referral.

3. Pairing Bonus

If you refer another person, you get another referral bonus of P600 plus one free box (P,800), totaling P1,400. But then you have a pair (you may put your first referral on the right side of your computer account, and the second referral on your right side--making a pair).  Each pair gives you a P1,000 bonus from the company.

With pairing bonus, all the people under you (placed to the right or left) who produce distributors under them help you earn a P1,000 bonus each time. Each time they produce new distributors and make you a pair, you get P1,000 pairing bonus. Imagine, while you're sleeping or on vacation, other people under you make money for you as they also make money for themselves.

4. Magic Vouchers

Each pair under you also gives you 12 Magic Vouchers (MV). These vouchers are recorded on your computer account. Use them to get 50% discounts on all product purchases (based on SRP). So, if you buy Vital C with an MV, you get it for P400. Then sell it at P800 and you get a P400 profit.

5. Unilevel Bonus

Unilevel is the bonus you get as distributors under you buy the products for using or selling. As they use or sell the products, you get cash bonuses.

These 5 reasons and more are why you need to share not just the products but the business as well. There are also car incentives plus more.

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