Do Noodles Help You Lose Weight?

I often see people trying to lose weight eat noodles instead of rice. They eat spaghetti, noodle soups (mami or sopas), sauteed noodles, fried noodles, or instant noodles, to mention some. They think avoiding rice would make them lose weight. Do noodles help you lose weight? Well, here's No-Diet Slim's assessment.

First off, you may eat noodles in lieu of rice, but never eat both. That's carbo overload. Second, eating noodles in lieu of rice will do you little good for weight loss--except if you have active metabolism. For some people, eating only noodles can make them lose weight fast. For the rest of us, it may help just a bit.

Just remember that noodles are also made of rice flour.

It would do you good if the noodles have lots of veggies. Noodles plus fibers equals faster bowel movement, aiding a bit in weight loss. But I discourage fried and sauteed noodles because of their use of oil (though healthy oils like olive oil is recommendable). And instant noodles? It's a big no-no. It's the most unhealthy noodles you should avoid at all cost.

Some instant noodles are applied with wax to prevent sticking. You wouldn't want your digestive system to have wax, unless you want your stomach and intestine to be shiny. And I don't see how wax can help you with weight loss. As far as I see it, it's just added weight in your body. In this case, it's a definite no to the question, do noodles help you lose weight.

With spaghetti, the noodles mixed with tomato sauce is ideal as long as you do away with the meatballs, cheese, and fattening oil. Spaghetti noodle soup is good for weight loss especially when cooked with vegetables, some meat and vegetable spices due to less oil, less carbo, but more full feeling--though it also makes you feel hungry sooner. The trick here is to use spaghetti noodle soup for small meals eaten 5 times a day.

Small meals several times a day hasten metabolism, and if you eat light carbo in such meals, the better. What more if you couple small meals with workouts? Just eat--forget about diets--because noodle soups are easy to burn with regular workouts. In this sense, noodles for meals is a thumbs up.

Dieting with noodle soup for weight loss is really no-diet slim because you can eat enough without worrying about getting more calories. No starvation or rigid diets involved here.

So, yes indeed, noodles help you loose weight, in soup form, in small meals, and with regular workouts.

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