Just Get Rid of Sugar to Lose Weight

Thou Shalt Not Use White Sugar Especially
Having a hard time losing weight? Have you tried almost everything and yet nothing happens to your weight loss efforts? Worse, do you even gain more? The simple answer to all this is--just get rid of sugar to lose weight!
It's that simple. Years ago, when I still enjoyed softdrinks, sweets like cakes and pastries, lots of rice, and sugar in my drinks, I found it hard to lose weight. I worked out and dieted to no avail. I especially had problems getting rid of my belly fat especially on the sides. That was until I radically lessened my sugar intake, almost eliminating it altogether.
Then I started losing weight and hitting normal.
Today, I hardly take in sugar. I'm always careful about the sugar content of what I eat--especially white sugar and white refined flour contents. Of course, our bodies need sugar, but do you know that each time you eat, food turns into sugar in your body? So why the need to add sugar in you? Just eat and you already get enough sugar.
Well, there are times when you can't avoid sugar--like when you eat out. You never know if the cook put some sugar into the recipe or not. Or, when you take cold drinks, like "pure" coconut juice. I love taking that coconut drink available from a cart store at the food court of SM North EDSA. It's sweet, so I suspect some sugar mixed in. If I want pure and sweet coconut juice, I buy the real fresh coconut from roaming carts in the streets where the vendor cuts open the coconut right in front of you.
Of course, fresh coconut has natural sugar, so if you're diabetic beware. And being diabetic, you can't just get rid of sugar to lose weight, either. Consult your doctor.
If you really need sweetener in your drink, use stevia or natural wild honey. The problem with commercialized "wild" honey is how to make sure it isn't just brown sugar syrup. A lot of so-called "pure honey" in grocery stores are nothing but pure brown sugar syrup. How do you ascertain the real from the fake? Simple--keep the bottle of honey in your fridge. If it becomes so thick it sticks to the bottom of the bottle when you turn it upside down, it's sugar. If it flows freely, it's honey.
Aside from stevia and real honey, keep out of the rest. Oh, brown sugar is good now and then, just make sure it's dark brown. It sometimes messes up the color of food and drinks but it's healthier than white sugar.
Finally, before you take in any sweetener, consult your doctor especially if you're diabetic or if you have high blood sugar. If you're sure you have no problems with blood sugar, just get rid of sugar to lose weight.

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